Chapter Two The Invitation Of Pain

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           I sit there doing the bills at the table as Chris helps. Cameron has a friend over and they both come down and I see a piece of paper in Cameron's hand. "What do you have there Cam-Cam?" I ask and she hands it to me. "A-a Invitation." I open it and see it's for a summer party. "Well Cameron... I don't know if you should go... You haven't been feeling well." "Come on Ryan let her go, she looks very pretty in that party dress. I look at the orange dress she is wearing and I sigh. "Well let me do your hair then you can go." She squeals and sits down in front of me.

                  I curl her hair and when I am done I kiss the top of her head. "Go have fun... I love you." I whisper and she hugs me. "Bye-bye Ryan." Then her friend looks at me. "We are down the street." Then They run off out the door. For a few hours I sit on the couch with Chris and my head in his lap as I try to not worry about Cameron. Then he kisses my lips and at first I am shocked then I move my lips with his, putting my hand's on his stubbly cheekbones. Then a ambulance rushes down the street with it's red lights flying down the street with it.

           I gasp and get up pulling away. "Cameron." I say and rush out of the house. "Ryan!" He screams and rushes after me. Everything is going in slow motion as I shove teenagers and paramedics aside and then see her convulsing on the ground with foam coming from her mouth. "Cameron!" I scream and then try calming her spasms but a paramedic drags me away. I see teenage boys snickering and I grab one by the collar. "You think this is some kind of fucking joke? Huh? Well it's not!" I say and shove him to the ground.

           He scrambles away and then someone grabs my shoulder's. "Ryan!" I turn and see the ambulance leaving in the warm summer evening and Chris staring down at me. "Get the fuck away from me." I grit my teeth. "Let's get home before you blow your top." He drags me back home and we stand in the kitchen. "You are a liar and a traitor... You did this to her! You took everything from her!" I scream and shove him into the counter. "Ryan you're not making any sense!" He says. "God damn-it I hate you!" I scream and throw a glass plate at him and it shatters against his chest, sending some glass in his face.

               "You fucked up my life!" Then he screams at me gripping my shoulder's. "I love you! Don't you see that? You're my fucking life!" "You're harassing me!!!!!!!!" I scream and then he shoves me into the fridge angrily and searing pain comes from my spine and then he grabs his jacket. "I'm leaving! I can't stand this anymore!" He says and starts running out the door. "Fine be that fucking way!" I scream but my voice breaks at the end. He slams the door and then I break down into tears and grab some broken glass and cut my wrists and arms until the pain burns.


         I grab my bottle of vodka and drink it plain. Then I lean against the fridge with my throat burning and my arms stinging. "Miss. Grey." I turn and see a officer and his eyes turn wide. "You can't take care of Cameron because your bipolar has gotten worse and her condition... Isn't good." "You can't take her from me." I say with my voice raspy. "It's for the best Miss. Grey... Try to get better, and you're lucky I don't take you in for drinking on your medication's and cutting yourself." Then he leaves and I look up and break down into tears and then close my eyes... Finding peace in the darkness.

                                Sad I know... Please comment and vote! Tell me what ya think! Listen to the song I put with it! It goes good with this chapter! Maddie Homoelle

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