Chapter Fourteen The Proposal

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              Matt proposed to me last night while we were at dinner. I don't remember much from last night but crying into his shoulder because I was so happy. So when I get to work I run into Lily's studio while she is teaching the senior citizens to salsa. I grab her arm and drag her over to the viewing room that is sound proof. "What?" She asks and I show her the ring and her mouth drops to the floor. "How the hell did he afford this?" I roll my eyes. "He works! He's not five years old." "Tell me all about it!"

                     "Well he got on one knee and said, Ryan I love you and I don't want you hurt ever again will you marry me?" Then she stops me. "OHHH!!!! Let's play it out." I get down on one knee and say it again and then she jumps up and down squealing. I dip her down and say. "You are the love of my life-" "I can tell she is." We look up and see the owner of the studio glaring down at us with her nose scrunched up. "Mrs. Gibbbler!" We both gasp and I drop Lily. "What is going on here Lily? You are supposed to be teaching your class and you should be too Ryan."

           We both turn around and see her class staring at us with their mouths dropped open. I pat Lily on the shoulder and smirk at Mrs. Gibbler. After the class is over and I am picking up some trash someone left behind and then I feel someone wrap their arms around me. "Could I ask you something Mrs. Fisher?" I giggle softly. "Yes Mr. Fisher?" I say and he kisses my shoulder. "I think you should straighten things out with your mother." My blood runs cold and I shake my head. "Why should I?" "Cause you are doing this for me... Just do it for me, I brought my cell and I found her number."

                      So I pick up his phone and go through his contacts and find my mom and try to call her. It goes to her voice-mail so I leave her a message. "Hey mom it's Ryan... Look I'm getting married in a few months and I want to straighten things out with you. I haven't told you alot of things that happened to me so I'm going to tell you." I tell her about the sexual harassment, the rape, what happened to Cameron, and when I am finished with the message I sob into Matt's shoulder.

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