Chapter Five The Possibilities

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                  Well the possibilities are I have to get a well paying job, not cut or drink, take my medications, and Chris has to move in with me... I mean he's not complaining. I walk into a dance studio and see a girl teaching people how to dance the waltz.... I wouldn't mind doing this. I already have a weekend job at the local bar but I want the extra money. I walk over to her as the class leaves. "Hi my name is Ryan Grey, I was wondering if you guys need a extra dance instructor." She grins. "Well I could use the extra help... You know how to dance?" I blush.

                       "My boyfriend made me learn so he could take me to his business partners ball so yeah I do." She grins, pulling her red hair in a pony tail. "Well you can start tomorrow." And I do... But a little late. Chris and I talked all night just about my jobs and Cameron, which ended up into a sappy romance novel in a matter of seconds. I get a phone call and I pick it up. "Hello?" I ask and she huffs. "I know you're new and maybe you didn't get my drift but... You were supposed to be here at eight." It's eight thirty.

                    "Sorry, I'll be there in five minutes." I hang up and unwrap his arms around my waist. "Where are you going?" He asks, sounding a little disappointed. "Work, I will see you later." I say grabbing my favorite coat and keys, then drive to the studio. When I get there I apologize to Lily who is my boss and run into my class taking off my coat revealing my sport bra and tattoo of a butterfly with Cameron's name on it. I hear guys whistle and I turn and see it's a couple routine. I slap my four head.

                 "Sorry everyone, I forgot my partner... Anyone want's to dance with me?" One man does and I take his hand and do the routine for everyone. It comes to me easily because me and Chris had to practice every day like anywhere, even in my kitchen. Then after the lesson I take a swig of my Red Bull and then the door opens. "Mom... I don't want to do this." "Oh come on honey it will be fun." I turn and see a boy with dark hair and a stocky build, but probably tall as me and a mother who is beside him smiling.

               "Hey, can I help you guys?" I ask smiling. The mother takes my hands. "My son Matt couldn't go to his prom and they are doing a new one for him... He was self conscious to come in while class so do you think you could teach him while I go to my workout, I will pay you two hundred." I frown and look at her. "Why was he self conscious?" He lifts up both of his pant legs and I see he is a double Amputee. "I was in a car accident." He mumbles and I look at the mother as tears roll down her cheeks

          "I thought you would never wake up-" "Shut up mom." He hisses and then she hugs me. "You don't know how much this will mean to him." Then she rushes out and I smile at him. "Reakky the waltz is simple, just follow my lead." I say and step closer to him. "Put your right hand on my hip, then the other in my hand." He does as told and we try starting but then he steps on my foot. "I'm sorry!" He gasps and I sigh. "You wanna try some slow dancing Matt? You seem a little tired." Sweat is gleaming on his four head and he laughs lightly.

               "Sorry, my accident." He says looking down and I lift up his chin. "It shows you are a fighter... Come on lets try slow dancing with some music." I turn on a slow song that I thik they would play. Then his arms wrap around me and mine go around his neck and I smile. "Now we are just going to sway a little and go in a circular motion, very easy." He does very slowly because of his prosthetics, but he gets the hang of it. I grin into his green eyes. "You are doing great! Wow." I say and he grins. "Really? I thought I was doing really bad." Then I giggle. "Yeah but if you want your date to be swooped off her feet then be a little romantic."

                  He then traces my tattoo with his fingers sending a smile through my lips and he rests his four head against mine and looks at me. "Good?" "Perfect." I mumble thinking it's Chris. "Matt time to go." He smiles. "Thanks for the lesson." "You better come back... I want to make you a pro before your prom." I give him a quick hug and his mother pays me and leaves with him. I go to visit Cameron and open her door at the hospital and see her sleeping without a tube down her throat. I brush her cheek with my thumb and she opens her eyes and she smiles. "Ryan." She mumbles and I kiss her four head. "Hey Cam-Cam." Then she shakily takes my hand and falls back to sleep with a smile. "I love you Cam-Cam." I say kissing her tiny hand. "I-I love y-you too."

                                                       The next chapter will be posted tomorrow check it out!

                                                                                                                  Maddie Homoelle

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