Chapter Three A promise Is A Promise

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          Three Week's Later...

            I walk into the busy hospital with my lawyer and walk over to the ICU hall. I find Cameron's room and walk in, seeing a family holding her hand as she is out cold and talking to her. "We have a lot of animals at our house and a big room ready for you." "You're the one's taking her from me?" They look up and watch as I put my hands in my black coat pocket. "You must be Ryan." The man says and shakes my hand. "I'm sorry... Miss. Grey has had a close bond with her sister." Mr. Right says and I grow a little angry.

        "Well dear we won't stop you from visiting." The woman says and I look at Cameron as the machines hiss. "I was ten." I say quietly and they look at me sitting down. "It was cold in the hospital room, my mother was holding her and then shoved her back to the nurse... Like she was trash. She said she didn't want her and the nurse brought her to the nursery. My mother got up and started limping out. I asked her where she was going and she said somewhere far away from you and your mental sister. She left the hospital and they said they were going to put Cameron up for adoption.

            So I walked into the nursery, grabbed her and ran. I found a abandoned apartment and squatted there for the longest time. I would steal from stores to get her formula and clothing... All I knew to do was to survive. Then one day after three years I broke down into tears because I then wondered... What the hell was I doing? I am thirteen and trying to take care of a three year old and myself, barely scrapping by. Then she got sick... Terribly sick. She had a fever and a terrible cough, I stole medication's from the pharmacy so she could get better... She did.

            She's more than my sister, she's like my child... I made a promise to her, I promised her that I would never abandon her like our mother did. Now I am." I feel tears streaming down my cheeks and I look at the couple and the woman takes my hand. "That show's how strong you are." She says, brushing away my tears. I flinch away and then my lawyer looks at me. "Ryan, this is for the best... We need you to sign this contract, showing you give custody to the Greens." He hands me the paper with the long paragraph's and I throw it to the ground.

          I run out of the hospital into the dark night. I run through allies and streets until I make it to a restaurant and see a woman and her husband with their three children walking out laughing and giggling. Then as they are putting their children in their car I see the familiar facial features of my mother. She is much older and our eyes lock. I storm over to her and the car. "Oh so now you're okay with having normal fucking kids?" I shout as she is about to get in the car. She looks at me. "Excuse me?" "Yeah it's me, your oldest daughter? Or did you forget about me and Cameron?" "Tina what is she talking about?" The man asks and I glare at him. "Yeah I'm her daughter Ryan, nice to meet you."

                  Then I glare at her. "I put Cameron up for adoption." She hisses angrily and I laugh. "You knew no one would take her, I took her and ran, I took care of her for thirteen years while you are getting yourself together... Good job? Kids that don't have birth defects? A nice man? Good for you! I can't even get a fucking job!" I scream and shove her to the ground. "You're fucking crazy!" She screams and kicks me in the ankle, sending me to the ground. I punch her, over and over again for the pain and agony she put me through and Cameron. "I hate you!" I scream as her children are crying and then a police officer pulls me off of her and I scream, thrashing to get away. He cuffs me as she gets up and her husband watches with his eyes gleaming with tears. "Now I've lost everything! Are you happy?" I scream and then my eyes form tears and the officer shoves me into the cruiser and then a down pour starts and washes the blood from the concrete from my mother... And all my secrets.

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                                                                                                         Maddie Homoelle

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