Chapter Six Forty Day's

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                                  .....One month Later....

               I keep the dance instructor job and the bar-tending but, it also means less visits with Cameron. Chris has been busy with work also, so we only see each other for dinner. Today Matt came in with the class which made me instantly happy. He doesn't have a partner so of course I have to partner up with him. He is getting quite good and more open with me and the class. Lily watches and nods in approval. Then after class I give Matt a extra twenty minutes and he giggles when I am telling him about my prom.

               "Yeah so lets just say, my prom dress wasn't able to be cleaned from that punch stain... And my boyfriend laughed." Then he looks at me. "You have a boyfriend?" I nod with a smile. "Yeah he's been there for a lot... I have bipolar." I mumble and he grins. "Well we are both freaks, it's cool... So why did you get this job?" "I have a sister with tourette's  and I am going to loose custody of her because my bipolar has gotten worse." He raises his eye brows in confusion.

                   I wipe the concealer from my arms and show him my cuts and he gasps. "You cut yourself?" I sigh. "I drank too... It was from depression." Then he hugs me close, stopping us from dancing. "I'm so sorry." He whispers and I feel a few tears run down my cheeks and nestle my face into his jacket. "I want her home Matt." I sob quietly and he nods. "Thing's are going to get better... I promise."  Then the door opens. "Ryan I got lunch-" We break apart and Lily is there holding my lunch. "Oh, I will wait a minute." Then I shove Matt away and run out of the studio and he chases after me clumsily with his prosthetics.

                       "Ryan! Wait!" "Just get away from me! I'm insane! I'll hurt you like I've done to myself so many f***** times!" I scream sobbing and then he grabs my shoulders and looks into my eyes. "I didn't want to tell you this but, sense the day I met you a month ago I have fallen in love with you Ryan Grey!" I look at him as tears roll down his cheeks. "I love you... Don't you see that? I haven't felt like this with anyone else! My life has been f***** up so badly I have'nt seen the bright side to anything until you! And I don't want you hurt ever again!"


                I stare at him with tears flooding my eyes and then his lips press onto mine in the back alley. I wrap my arms around his neck as a light snow falls around us as tears run down our faces. As his arms wrap around me and I whisper in his ear after breaking away. "I only have forty days until I loose her." Then he rests his four head against mine. "I won't let you loose her." His lips go back onto mine and I close my eyes forgetting about Chris at that one moment and Cameron, and just think of Matt as I am in this alley with the snow hitting my bare shoulders while I am in my sport bra and it sends chills down my spine. "You're not insane... You just want her back." Then we hear his mother and I look at him and he looks down. "I'm sorry." Then he runs away and I am left with mixed emotions and I slide down the brick wall and look up at the grey sky and sigh... Feeling the pressure building up to get her back.

                                       Okay the next post I will try to do tomorrow or later tonight! Tell me who you like better Matt or Chris?????? Who shall it be? :p


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