Chapter Eleven My Painful Secret (WARNING HEARTBREAKING)

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                   Matt gets me up at the ass-crack of dawn and he has a big cheesy smile on his face. "What?" I huff and cover my face with my pillow. " "I'm taking you on a walk." "Where?" I ask perking up a little. "To a place, get dressed into something rather than cookie monster pajamas." He says and I throw my pillow at his face. "Well I was the one who got shot." I say and he looks at me with a hurt expression. "No I didn't mean that-" "It's fine, I know your hurting, with your birthday and all."

                 He walks out and I get dressed into some dark jeans and a tanktop under my black coat that I wear all the time and walk out of my room slowly. I see Matt wearing his coat as well and his dark hair shinning in the early March sun. He takes my hand and drives me to a railroad. "Matt-" He puts his finger to my lips. "Hush, come on lets take a  walk." He jumps on one side of the rails and I hop on the other. He grabs my hand and giggles as we try to keep our balance.

             Then he looks at me. "If you get tired before we get to our destination let me know, I don't want you straining yourself." I nod even though, we all know I won't. Today I will tell him my deepest darkest secret I hold. Then after walking a few miles on this old railroad I see a opening to the whole city we live in and I gasp. "Wow it's beautiful." I whisper and he grins. "Ain't it always." He says wrapping his arm around my waist. "You wanna sit?" I nod and I sit in front of him on the ground and we look at the sun rise. "Matt I think I should tell you something." He looks at me and I feel tears running down my cheeks.

                    "What?" He asks brushing my tears away and I take in a shuddering breath. "I haven't told anyone about this, not even Chris." He looks at me with those lime green eyes that are so welcoming and I grab his hands. "When I was nine my mom got pregnant with Cameron, and she was prostituting before but her "boss" didn't like that idea and uh he would come over and would find me home alone. Usually he would slap me or scream at me but then it escalated to sexual. He didn't rape me but I was nine and how the hell was I supposed to know it was wrong... But it felt wrong."

                    He nods slowly and then I go on. "When I was fourteen and walked into the apartment I was squatting in with Cameron after getting some food from the homeless shelter and I heard Cameron whimpering. I rushed into her room and found him holding a gun to her head and he nodded over to me and said take off my clothes or Cameron would be killed... My main purpose in life was to keep her safe so I did and he raped me. I counted the seconds and I remember it to this day... A thousand and one, a thousand and two, a thousand and three... Now my mama's pimp baby is growing inside of me. He ran out of the house and I ran into the bathroom and got into the bathtub where I cried until Cameron came in.

               She asked me why the bathtub water was red and that was the first time I cried in front of her ever and I told her to get into her room and she did... And that's why I am always paranoid about everything." I burst into tears and he hugs me close and rocks me back and fourth. "I will protect you as long as I live, forever and always." We stay there until noon and he takes me back to his mother's house and into his room and sits me on his bed. "Do you want to have a good memory to cover up that ugly wound?" I nod slowly and his eyes glow. "Then come here." I look as his lips go onto mine and then everything goes blank.

Matt's Mom's POV

                         I can't wait to surprise Matt with me coming home early! I know that he misses that mentally unstable girl, god only knows why but I bought him some rockyroad icecream to make him feel better. I walk up to his room and hear some weird sounds and I think it's him crying. I open the door and the sight is horrifying.

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