Nothing Like Us || Book 2 Introduction

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Kay was kidnapped by her psycho ex-boyfriend Shawn , and Madison & Autumn works together to find there beloved Kay
Kay been hurt all her life , I bet your all thinking she should just give up or go be with Madison or Be with Autumn or leave both of them and runaway with Riley .
Maybe She Does , Your just gonna have to find out , what she does .....
After Kay got kidnapped she's change & you'll see , how different she is , remember there's nothing like us .....

Kay's POV 💘

I stared at Shawn as he smoked a blunt , staring back at me as I sat on the couch , with my hands in my lap .
It's been 3 months since , I seen Madison or Riley or Autumn or Life period .
If I counted how many times I tired escaping from him , it would be 56 times , and every time after that he would beat me , rape me , and hurt me .
"If you don't stop fucking staring at me" , he yelled at me causing me to jump & stare at the ground .
"boss , we need to go" , Ryan said walking into the room .
Ryan is Shawn assistant, he's been helping him with everything he's done to me .
"Why" , Shawn asked .
"The cops found us , and I'm pretty sure , they want Kay really bad" , he said .
"Fine!" , Shawn said getting up , walking towards me , and grabbed my arm pulling me closer to me .
"Can you be a doll & not try to escape this time" , Shawn said .
I stared at him as he than walked us to garage & there was a white van , he threw me against it , and closing the door .
Shawn got in , "no can do , there's a thing about me , I work better alone" , he says as he shot Ryan .
I wasn't even scared or crying , this is the 5th person Shawn killed this week .
As Shawn then drove out the garage , as then the cops followed us .

I notice the van doors unlocked , all I had to do was jump , this was my time to escape , and run for help & be home with my family .......

"Shit.... This is gonna leave a mark" , I said as I slid the door open , and catching the attention of Shawn .
"Kay don't you dare " , he told me , as I then jumped into the grass , and ran .
The cops were still chasing Shawn , and I then saw a cop car stop , and the officer got out , aiming a gun at me .

"Don't shoot ! Don't shoot !" , I begged him holding my hand up .
"What's your name" , he asked stepping closer to me .
"Kendall ***** Kay ... My name is Kay" , I said .

"Oh my ..... I need immediate backup , we've found the missing suspect , who went missing 2 months ago" , he said .

"You got to find him , and kill him , he won't stop until I'm his , please don't let him find me again" , I say .
As he than helped me up putting me into the back of the car .

At The Police Station

I nervous was shaking & biting my lip , "sweetie can you tell me what happened" , the lady asked me .

"I already told you already , he kidnapped me , raped me , abuse me , and used me for his needs like I was his slave , I just wanna go home now" , I say as tears began crying .

"Alright that's enough , someone take her to the waiting room , to her to see her visitors & than take her home" , the police officer said .
As I then walked out the investigation room , walking to the waiting room .

"Madison" ? , I walked into the room , to see Madison .
I immediately began crying , I ran to her , as she ran to me & she hugged me , kissed me , she started crying .
"What did he do to you , where is he" , Madison asked me .
"He raped , and beat me , for 2 months , I tried to escape & everytime I would he was rape me for a punishment" , I sobbed ....
"D-did they find him" , she asked .
I shook my head , "no" ....
She pulled me into another hug .

How was the Introduction of Nothing Like Us : Sequel 💖

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