Chapter 12

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*New Theme Of  Writing

49 hours later
Sexual Scene In The Chapter
Song : I hate u , I love u By Gnash Ft. Olivia Grace

Kay's POV

I woke up in a tub , with my mouth & my hands & feet  duct taped . I looked down to see blood on my shirt .

As I heard footsteps from out the door , as the door handle turned , I slowly sat up in pain . It was Elliot , "long time no see" , he says walking towards the tub .

"If I take this of will you scream?" , he asked .
I shook my head , "help me , please just let me go , Madison's crazy" , I said .

"Oh trust me , I know" , he says as he the lift me bridal style out the tub , as I wrapped my arms around his neck , as I squealed in pain , my leg really hurt .

As a couple moment later , he place me on a bed , "Madison will be here in a couple of moments" , he said walking out the room .

As I then began to bite the tape so I could be loose , as I heard footsteps walked up the stair , I stopped as the Madison walked into the room , as she had blood on her face .

"where's Autumn" , I asked .

"You see , she put up a fight when I tried to kidnap her , and I snapped ..... her neck" , she explained .

"What ?" , I said as tears where about to fall down my cheeks .

I tried to get off the bed to get to her , "I killed her" , she explained . As right after she said that I began crying uncontrollably , she began wiping my tears , "sh-shh, don't cry not yet" , she says .

As she then harshly cut me loose , "stand up" , she said pointing the knife at me .

"Now undress yourself" , she said .
As I turned looking at her , confusedly , "now" , she yelled causing me to jump , as I slowly removed my shirt , and pulled down my pants .

"Go into the bathroom" , she said pointing at the door in the room .

As I slowly walked into the bathroom , as Madison turned on the water , as it heated up .

"Get it & face the wall" , Madison demanded me , it was no point of me running away now , she killed Autumn , she probably killed Riley too .

As I did what she told me , I walked into the shower facing the wall , as I felt a body brush up behind me , as Madison slowly turned me around .

Sexual Scene

"You know I missed you right" , she said brushing a strand of my curly wet hair behind my ear .

I looked down , as I didn't want to make eye contact with her , as she pulled my face up by my chin , as began kissing me , I didn't kiss back .

As she harshly in no way gentle at all grabbed my butt , getting me to jump , as I slowly began kissing her back , I felt her finger slowly rubbed my clit .

I bit my lip hard trying to not moan , "stop" , I begged .

"You know you want it , just let me fuck you" , she says .

"No" , I say as I tried to push her off of me , as she then enter her finger inside of me , causing me to gasp , as have really short breathes , as she then began to suck on my nipples , meanwhile finger fuck , the fuck out of me .

I began to moan , "you like that don't you ?" , she smirked .

"Madison ple--ase" , I moaned loudly as I felt my climax coming and then Madison took her other hands , and rubbed my clit , while the other was going in & out of me .

My legs began shaking , "hold that cum" , Madison told me .

As I looked into her eyes , "plea-se" , I moaned as she began going faster , making me, beg for her to let me release .

"Go head , Babygirl" , she said .

"Ahh" , I moaned breathing heavily as I cum , and Madison looked into my eyes the whole time , as removed her fingers , and slowly sucked them .

"Next you , I won't stop" , she explained getting out of the shower.

As I slid my back against the wall , falling in the shower , as I was breathing heavily .

I couple of moments later , I got dress & walked out the bathroom , as I walked out the master bedroom by opening the door to see Autumn .

I froze , "a-autumn?" , I asked with shocked because Madison told me she was dead .

"You know , she told me this would happen , your so gullible & so easy to manipulate , all it took was one lie & she already got you , you don't love me , I think you love her , wait --- I know you love her" , she said .

"Au-autumn it's not like , I was j--- she cut me off , "just what ? , you let her finger fuck the shit out of you , and you enjoyed it , and I think it's time for you to make up your mind , are you gonna be with me & try to escape with me , and come back home to your wife & your daughter or be with the criminal , who is treating like a sex slave" , Autumn says pulling off her wedding room , and tossing it to me .

"That's funny ? Where's yours" , she say looking at my ring finger empty .
"Autumn just--- baby , I--- I was cut off by Elliot coming upstairs . I felt so guilty , I mean she heard me basically cheating on her , with my kidnapper .

"Come on" , Elliot said grabbing Autumn & then taking her downstairs .

As I followed , as I then walked into this room , where I saw Madison on the phone .

"Do I have my team back yes or no?" , she asked .

As a couple of moments later , she got off the phone & noticed me , as I tossed Autumn ring to her , "sorry but I don't think I'm ready to get married" , she said sarcastically walking past me .

As I followed , "you told me Autumn was dead , you said you killed her" , I said as we stopped in the kitchen as she poured herself a glass of Vodka & Hennessy .

"I say a lot of things" , she said smirking .

"God , I hate you" , I mumbled about to walk away , as she slammed me against the fridge door , pinning my body against it . As she pushed her body against and whispered into my ear .

"I know , and that's what makes me crave for you more , when will you get it , the more you fight , the more I will try to get you again , I already have you falling for me" , she whispered smirking .

"I am not falling for you , at least at again" , I said defending myself .

"Yes you are & you know it , just in a couple of days you'll be wrapped around me little finger , just watch" , she said .

"Bet" , I said as I pushed her away from me , walking away .

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