Chapter 10

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Song : Clarity By Nightcore

Sorry I haven't posted in a week , but I was busy with studying for testing -

Kay's POV

- I woke up in bed with Madison's arms tightly wrapped around me , as if I was gonna go some where .

I sat there staring at the ceiling just thinking how my life could of been so different , if I didn't move to California . It's been 8 years & just looking at it know , my life is pretty fucked up .

As then I grabbed the remote to turn on the tv & it was on channel 7 , "it's been 2 months & a weeks since the kidnapping of Kay (-----) , it's been told , Madison (----) broke into Autumn & Kay's , Single family home , and taken hostage of Autumn , and Kay ran out into a car , and here's a footage" , the lady said as then they played a video of me , running on my house , getting into the car , and Madison getting in & it drove away fast .

"If you have seen Madison or Kay , contact the police immediately , this is Jessica Golden & your watching Channel 7 News" , the girl said .

At this point I was more then happy , I was excited , I prayed that they would find me , get me the hell away from Madison , I just need a phone or something .

As I then turned to see Madison , sitting up in bed & no longer was wrapped around me , as look mad .

"fuck!" , she screamed standing up , throwing a lamp from the nightstand , into the wall .

As I nervously stood up , and watched her angrily throw things across the room , "pack your things" , she angrily mumbled .

"What ?" , I asked .

"Pack your things up , we're leaving" , she told me .

As I did what she told me too , as she walked out the room , I packed the clothes, that Ashlee had gotten me .

As I then change into some jeans & tank top , as I grabbed my bags , walking down stairs , as I saw everyone rushing to pack things .

"I told you kidnapping the bitch was a stupid idea" , William said .
As then Elliot shot him , as I jumped & I looked down to see blood on my clothes.

"For God sakes hurry up would you , act like you never seen someone get shot" , Madison yelled at me .
Why was she acting so heartless? , I asked myself .

As I then handed her my bags , as I was about to look for Mila , I heard glass being broken from upstairs .

As the attention went to the stairs , as everyone that was downstairs walked towards the stairs .

"Stay here" , Madison told me pulling out her gun .

As I was left downstairs , as the wind hit me , I turned around to the door was open , and the car was outside , I then saw the car keys laying on the stand .

As I slowly walked towards them & quickly grabbed it , as it all happened so fast . I heard screaming from upstairs , I guess it was Mila .

It was my chance to escape , but I couldn't leave her , I promised her that we'd get out together . If I leave now , I can't come back .

As I then ran out the door & rushed to the car opening the door , getting it , and putting the key in the ignition , but it wouldn't start , it just rumbled which was loud , which was causing attention .

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