Chapter 15

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an intense feeling of deep affection.
"babies fill parents with intense feelings of love"

Kay's POV

It's been 2 weeks since I decided to be with Madison , now that autumn was gone , I felt like the only thing that matters to me right now was Riley , everything I do now , should be for Riley , what I did 2 weeks ago , was unnecessary , and selfish . I wasn't thinking about Riley , nor how it would effect her life .

"Hey , you doing alright ?" , Bryson asked me as he leaned against the door frame of Madison's room .

"Yeah" , I said slightly as if I didn't know if I actually was .

"I heard from Ash , that your staying with Madison now ?" , Bryson said .

"So?" , I asked crossing my arms .

"Is she forcing you to do this ?" , he asked .

I slightly laughed , "so all of a sudden you care ? But a month ago when I asked you to help me get away from Madison , you said you couldn't because you owned your life to her" , I said .

He sighed deeply , "look , I'm sorry things are just really complicated" , he said .

"Bullshit . If you wanted to help me , you would've besides she not forcing me to do anything , I choice to stay here" , I said .

"Why ?" , he asked confusedly .

"Because I love her and she's all I have now" , I explained .

"You & I both know your making a big mistake" , he said .

"Oh , really ? ... It's not like I have anything else to lose" , I said .

"Actually you do , Kay you could get out of this mess , Kay you have a whole life ahead of you , don't fuck it up for Madison" , he said .

I rolled my eyes , "I have to go" , I told him walking past him .
I walked downstairs to see Madison on the door talking with someone .

"Do it tonight okay?" , Madison told the man .

"Do you'll think it will work?" , the voice said .

"It better , I need her to be safe" , Madison said .

"What's going on?" , I asked .
"What are you talking about ?" , I asked her .

"I'm getting you away from me , it's not safe" , she told me .

"Why ?" , I asked .

"Because Shawn is still alive" , she said .

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