Chapter 7

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-- As I laid in the sheets , breathing heavily , I slowly placed on my hands and then walked out the room .
As I saw Bryson smirking as I walked out the room , a shade of embarrassment came upon me . I guess I was louder than I thought. "What?" , I asked .

"Oh , nothing" , he chuckled walking into a room . As I deeply sighed , walking downstairs to see Ash kissing William as they were basically sucking each other's faces off . I rolled my eyes , as I decided to walk around , I walked in this empty hallway and saw a door , the only door .

I slowly pushed it opened & they were stairs , it was a basement , I looked back to make sure no one else was watching , as I walked inside walking down the stairs .

"P-pl-please don't hurt me" , the voice begged .

As I looked to see Mila , chained to the wall , sitting on a old bloody mattress , as she was crying .

As I quickly walked towards her , "are you okay ?" , "did he touch you?" , I asked and she shook her head .

As sat in front of her , "I'm so stupid... I should've listened to my parents" , she says .

I looked at her in confusion , "my father specifically told me , I wasn't allowed to go to that club 21 , and I didn't listen , I snuck out with my friends , Im so stupid" , she says .

"Hey ! Don't do that to yourself , its not your fault you were kidnapped , you just were at the wrong club at the wrong time" , I told her wiping her tears .

"What about you ?" , she asked .
"Long story , it's to complicated for you to understand" , I told her .

"I have time , I'm pretty sure not going anywhere, anytime soon" , she says .

"Let's just say 8 years ago , I fell in love with someone , who is a completely different person today" , I say as my eyes trailed off , just thinking about the happy me & happy Madison , the highschool lovers .

"You still love them don't you?" , she asked slightly smiling .

"No!! , she--- she cut me off , "so it's a girl" , she said .

I sighed , "I'm married & I have a child" , I said .

"That doesn't mean you can't still have feelings for someone else" , she says .

I rolled my eyes , "the girl basically lied to me about everything , her brother who was a psychopath , was my boyfriend , she's just as crazy as her brother , they both kidnapped me , they both threatened to kill someone I love if I didn't what they said , basically Her & Her brother ruin my life" , I say explaining to her .

"But you still love her though" , she said .
I slight smiled , she was probably right but I can't be in love with a criminal , not someone who wants to kill me & love me at the same time , I just can't .

Before I can say anything the door slammed open , I stood up , getting in front of Mila , who was sitting on the mattress , turning around to see Troy .

"Go upstairs!" , he told me .

"What are you going to do to her" , I asked as he walked closer towards me .

"Wouldn't you like to know ! , go upstairs now before Madison comes downstairs" , he says .

"No" , I said as he then slapped me , making me fall to the ground .

"Next time , listen" , he says pulling me off the ground by my hair , pulling me up the stairs , throwing me on the floor , then slamming & locking the door .

As I quickly got up , banging against trying to open it , as I heard Mila scream . "Please , don't" , she screamed .

"If you touch her , I swear to god" , I say pounding on the door .

"You swear to god what ?" , The voice of Madison behind me said .

"Madison ... Don't let him to this to her , she's 16" , I say to her .

"I'm sorry , you almost thought I cared , I could care less if she was 9" , Madison says harshly .

"I hate you" , I stated .

As then she pulled me , pushing me against the wall , pinning my arms up . "Babygirl , say that shit one more time & I'll make you say you love me" , she says .

As I pushed her off of me , "Madison , stop it" , I said .

"you & I both know you love me" , she says slowly kissing my neck .

I pushed her away , "stop it , Madison I can't love you , not like this .... Your different & I hate this you , I hate everything you became , Madison just stop putting up this act , this isn't you" , I say .

As she pushed me to the wall , pinning my arms up above my head , but It was fast , too fast for me , to push her away .

"This is me ! , I still love you Kay , and I always will ..... You need to GET THAT SHIT OUT OF YOUR HEAD , of everyone being the same .... For fuck sake , Kay it's been fucking 5 years , not 1! , not 3 ! , but 5 fucking years , I changed for the better .... If you think the old Madison is still here , your wrong as fuck" , she yells at me .

As I heard Mila scream , "please , stop" , he cried & screamed .
As she let me go , "Madison , please tell him to -- she cut me off , "why do you care if she get hurt or not , it's not you" , she states .

"Because I was just like her , raped & then pregnant, do you not remember? Oh yeah ... I forgot it's been 5 years , not 1 , not 3 , but 5 fucking years" , I mocked Madison .

As she slapped the sarcastic ness out my mouth , "do you ever disrespect me like that ever again or else I'll--- I cut her off , "or else what ?? , you kill me ?? Huh ? You know I'm tired of your threats , just kill me already , I don't care ... As long as I'm away from you , for good , I'll be fine" , I said as she then looked down .

"Oh , that's right ... You can't kill me , because if you wanted to , you we've already done it" , I say as I knew I hit her in the weak spot of the heart she barely had .

"That's exactly what I thought!" , I stated harshly & then stepped away from her .

Sorry for the short chapter... Tell me what you guys thought in comments below

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