~Chapter 2~

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Alexi's POV
I walked into school the next day walking toward the large auditorium. I sat down in my seat and Amber gave me a scowl. I excepected Oliver to come to his seat any minute but he never showed up. We went through the boring morning rituals and parted for our lockers. As I was shuffling through my books to find the french one I heard the locker next to me open. I quickly turned, curious to where Oliver had been, making all my books fall out.
"Fuck" I murmered under my breath.
I kneeled down picking up my books when I saw Oliver's hands reaching over to pick up my pencil case and such. I looked up to thank him and that's when I saw it a huge bruise. The purple and bluish mark streaked across his face from just above his ear to his chin. I gasped
"Oh my gosh wh-what happened?"
He stood and shoved my things into my locker
"None of your buisness, Alexi."
"How in the world doyou know my name?"
He smirked and then the bell rang and he headed off to first period.
I slumped into my chair somewhat angry about Oliver. I wasn't interested in learning so I started to sketch in my note pad until a paper smacked me on the back of my head. I picked it up from off the floor and uncrumoled it. The paper read "Ghost girl". I didn't exactly know what they were referring to but they all snickered when I read it.
~~~~~~~ 2 agonizing classes later ~~~~~~
It's lunch time and it'd be the first day I'd be entering the large cafetiria. I didn't only avoid it yesterday because I wanted to explore it also gave me the great opportunity of not having to find a seat. I peaked in and every table was full, there was nowhere I could hide alone. I finally stepped in peering around for somewhere I could sit. So, the labeling began. There was a table for the cool kids, the math and sciene kids, somwhere for everyone but me. Until I finally spotted a group that look somewhat to my fittings. I walked over and smiled
"Do you mind if I sit here?"
One of the guys sitting at the table looked me up and down then smiled back
I sat and pulled the apple out of my bag
"I'm Alexi"
The girl at the furthest end of the table looked up. She had bright red hair and dark makeup
"I'm Kat".
The boy next to her holding her hand spoke
"I'm Shane"
he had longish black hair with side swept bangs. The one I was most curious about finally spoke, she had blonde hair in a high ponytail.
"I'm Hope, my parents don't let me dye my hair" she grumbled.
Although, Hope did have a bunch of piercings. Last but not least the boy who let me sit. His hair was brown and short, kind of spikey i suppose.
"I'm Austin"
He gave me a smile.
"Well, it's nice to meet all you guys"
"Why'd you choose to sit here?" Hope asked
"Well you guys seemed the least judgemental and I was thinking you could help me with something."
"What do you need?" Shane asked
"Well do you guys know Oliver? I was just wondering because he sits next to me in the morning and he's really quiet."
Austin smirked
"Yeah, I know him. He's really uhm... different. Nobody here really likes him. I mean, we tried to befriend him," everyone shook their head in agreement "but he just didn't ever want to talk. He'll never open up to anyone."
I realized I forgot my yogurt in my locker so i excused myself and started walking towards my locker. As i turned the corner to my section of lockers, I saw Oliver being shoved against the lockers by some boys. They were punching him in the stomach and it looked painful. I screamed and their heads quickly turned to me, they gave me an evil smile but didn't stop. I ran over and tried pry them off of him.
"Stop it, please!"
They just shoved me back into a locker. Then one of them said
"Man, you don't hit girls. Let's go."
They hurried off and I slid down the locker feeling pangs of pain in my chest from being winded. I looked over at Oliver who had fallen to the ground. I crawled over to him
"Oliver?" I said weakly "Are you okay?"
He pushed himself up on his elbows and groaned in pain
"I'm fine" he said firmly. The way he looked told me differently he was beaten pretty bad.
"Here, just let me help you"
I stuck out my hand he grabbed it and i helped him up. He stood and fell into me. He was a lot taller than me so i was smothered in his chest. I laughed and proped him up against a locker. The bell that signaled the end of lunch rang.
"I have to get to class I'm sorry I've got to go."
I quickly opened my locker and grabbed my books. I started to walk away when Oliver grabbed my hand.
"At least let me repay you for helping" he gave a weak smile and pulled out a piece of paper and pen. "This is my number text me tonight, thanks again"
I flushed a bright red
"Y-yeah sure no problem"
"Oh and call me Oli." he said finally letting go of my wrist.
I turned the corner and did a little happy jump while heading to fourth period.
~~~~~~~~~End of school day~~~~~~~~~
I jumped off my bus and walked towards my house. I got in and heard laughter coming from the kitchen. I walked over and saw my mom and some guy.
"Oh... hi dear, this is Brad"
the man in his mid 30's looked me up and down and gave me a subtle wink.
"Hey, kid."
"Well say hello sweetie" my mom said in her nicest tone.
I just turned around and started walking up to my room. I was halfway up the stairs and followed by angry footsteps my mother grabbed my wrist.
"Don't you ever do that again. You're acting like... like a ghost."
I didn't respond as she let go of me I just continued to my room. I walked into my bedroom and looked in the full length mirror. You can't see ghosts in the mirror, right? I took the crumpled up piece of paper from my sock and grabbed my phone from the dresser. I plopped down on my bed and entered Oli's phone number into my contacts. This was going to be an interesting night, I could already tell.

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