~Chapter 6~

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I jolted awake, my eyes popped open and my heart pouned. I looked around the small room i was in, it was littered with notebooks and CD's. I tried to sit up a bit but my back ached in pain at the motion. That's when the memories came flooding back, I remembered the girls dropping me on the stairs. Blacking out. Then i remembered i had no clue where i was. so i swung my feet over the side of the large bed i was on and hoped off. immediately when i put weight onto my foot i dropped and yelped in pain. the scream must've been loud enough to be heard throughout the house because i then heard footsteps on the stairs. i decided the best way to sheild myself from the impending dange was to bury my hands in my face. i heard the door knob fidget and then the door creak open. a small laugh and suddenly strong arms picking me up and plopping me on the bed. i quickly opened my eyes to see who was helping me, hoping it was Oli. it wasn't oddly enough it was Austin. the boy i had met at lunch the other day.

"probably shouldn't try to walk on that foot. i saw one of those girls step on your ankle."

i was still a little confused as to why i was in his bedroom so i didnt respond.

"okay... then do you want some different clothes? since those ones are kind of uhm dirty"

i glanced down at my shirt and saw blood on the upper collar dripping down to the schools logo and all over my sleeves. my kilt was completly torn at the bottom. i quickly flipped over my wrists and nodded.

"okay. hold on" he started to dig through his closet then through me a pair of sweat pants and a tank top. "here where these and i'll meet you downstairs."

he walked out of the room slowly and closed the door behind him as he left. i turned to my side and shimmed my kilt off. quickly throwing on his sweats. i pulled my uniform shirt over my head wincing in pain as the buttons scarped my face and the itchy sleeves scarped my wrists. i put on the tank top which hugged me quite tightly. i slowly stood on my good foot leaning on the bed post for support. i turned to his mirror were i finally got a good glance at my body. my scars had re opened and hips had bruises all over them. my lips was swollen and it looked like my forehead had been cut a bit. i couldn't wait to see my legs when i got home, i thought sarcastically. i limped over to his door stole a cardigan from one of his hooks and snuggled my arms in it. i twisted the door knob and wobbled my way down the stairs.

Austin was sitting at the island in the middle of their kitchen, I started hopping over when he took the librety of getting up and just carrying me he plopped me on a stool and then sat back down.

"so are you hungry?"

he asked offering a smile.

i shyly smiled back

"yeah a bit."

he got up and poured me a bowl of lucky charms. grabbed a spoon and wacked the drawer shut with his hip. he placed the bowl infront of me and i started shoveling mouthfuls down my throat. truth was i was starving.

"why am i here?"

i asked between chews. he chuckled a bit.

"Hope's older brother was the guy who got mad at you she saw his girlfriend walk away with you and made him spill where you were. We got there are soon as we could but you already passed out and pretty badly hurt. the only reason none of us get beat up is because Hope makes her older brother swear not to hurt us. We brought you here because my dad's out of town."

I finished my cereal whilst listening to his story.

"oh shit sorry i really didn't mean to cause so much trouble. am i going to get Hope or you in trouble or anything?"

"Nah i'm sure she'll be fine. I definetly will so"

"What day is it?"

"Saturday, around 1pm"

"Mind if i use your phone? i need to check my messages"

He got and grabbed the phone and i quickly dialed. my mum had left a message stating her and creepy kitchen guy were going to be gone for a few days. then a message from Oli started

"Lexi, please don't be mad at me okay? I was only trying to..."

His voice was cut off as I quickly hung up the phone. I didnt want to talk to him right now.

"Everything okay?"

Austin asked politely after he had cleared my dishes.

"Yeah, my mom is out of town and Oli..ver tried to call me."

"last time i saw him he was running out of the school. i thought he was with you? y'know before those girls started wailing on you"

"he was but he couldn't help."

"no Shane and Kat told me he was in final period with them. he was acting really weird, all twitchy and stuff"

"oh i must've thought wrong..."

my mind trailed off, why did Oli just leave me like that? Agh i don't even know if i'm aloud to get angry. It's just sometimes I wish he cared a little more.

"do you need some ice or bandages or polysporin?"

Austin's voice shook me out of my trail of thoughts.

"Do you mind if I just have a shower here? Sorry to be such a borther it's just"

he cut me off

"dont worry about it. want me to carry you up there?"

i smiled

"that'd be great. thanks"

he caried me to the large bathroom and sat me down on the counter near the sink.

"okay i think you'll be able to find everything alright. if you think you need anything else it's probably under the sink."

he was positioning me so i wouldn't fall off the counter. he slowly lifted his head and our eyes met. he leaned in a bit but i tilted my head down.

"thanks Austin. i think i'm okay"

he backed and walked out of the bathroom.

~~ A/N hey you guys erm thanks for reading and commenting and telling me to update. sorry i cant talk back my phone says there is a communcation error. i'm sorry i'm not consitent with updates. i can try to have a regular day once a week if you want comment and let me know~~

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