~Chapter 16~

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i was sitting in English when my phone vibrated in my stocking. i quickly slid it out and hid it in the desk. i opened it to see a text from Oli.

Oli- can i come to your house after school?

Lex- sure, but my mum will be there. why do you want to come?

Oli- i have to talk to you.

those words always struck fear in my head. they could mean anything. he could tell me the worst thing in the world or the best and i would have to wait an hour and a half to find out.


Oli and I left the school and walked to the public bus stop. i pulled out my phone and headphones. i turned on my music and offered him an ear bud. he took it and stuck it in his ear.

"thanks. can i pick the song?"

i unlocked my phone and passed it to him. he quickly picked a song. it was "The First Punch" by pierce the veil. we stood in the bus stop alone and Oli started doing stupid gestures along with the lyrics.

"c'mon interpretive dance with me."

i laughed at Oli and joined in with weird hand gestures until the bus pulled up. it was mostly empty except for an old man and a sleeping student from a different school. we sat at the back and pretended to air guitar along with the song. then "when you can't sleep at night" by of mice and men came on. i rested my head on Oli's shoulder and stared up at him. he looked down at me and smiled

"pretty little lady, with the swollen eyes would you show them to me?"

Oli quietly sang along to me. I smiled up at him as he sang my favourite line. i leaned up and softly pressed my lips to his. he leaned into the kiss but i quickly pulled away. he looked at me upset with his puppy dog eyes.

"we're in public, sorry."

i said, leaning back on his shoulder.

"fine, you owe me when we get to your house then."

he added a soft wink and i smacked his arm playfully. i liked forgetting everything with Oli. we pulled up at the stop nearest to my house and Oli and i got off.

i put my phone back in my bag.

"so now we are alone, what do you need to talk about?"

he bit his lip and a concerned look washed over his face.

"what is it? just tell me"

i urged

"i just want to know... what was going on with uhm Austin?"

i stared at the ground, suddenly scared and confused. not sure what to say to Oli or how to explain it to him without him hating me.

"well Oli, i... Austin was drunk and uhm i think he maybe might've i don't know hurt me. by accident."

i stuttered along, trying to get Oli to understand.

"what are you trying to say, love?"

my nose scrunched in happiness when he called me love.

"Oli, he uhm hurt me. he did things to me, i didn't want to do."

i looked up at Oli for a moment he looked confused as if he was connecting the dots, then his eyes got wide and he pulled me into a hug. he didn't even know that this was only the beginning of my sob story.

I'll be yours, if you be mine (Oli Sykes Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now