Chapter Twentyone

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Lois and Brian were over at Joe and Bonnie's for dinner, where there was a terrible silence. Brian broke it first,
"So uh, where's Kevin kept himself these days?"
Joe light up with the thought of Kevin,
"Well after that whole spew with him going awall, the army said he wasn't considered that because they thought he was dead so no charges were brought against him. So he came home and has been getting a lot of help from the PTSD he has now, but other than that he's been helping down at the Y with the kids." Lois smiled at Joe,
"That's wonderful Joe, I'm glad everything worked out."
Joe then asked,
"How's Meg doing? Glen's been doing great, he didn't lose his job or anything."
Lois smiled,
"She's doing fine, it's hard for her to find a job with everything. But I hope she finds a job soon though."
Joe spoke up, "Well, I can see if I can find her job, it won't be much but it'll get her out of the house and some of her reputation back." Lois gleamed with excitement,
"Wow Joe that's amazing! I'll tell her tonight!" They ate the rest of their dinner in happiness and laughter, forgetting about the upsetting disturbance from earlier. As they were leaving Kevin was coming home,
"Hey Mrs. Griffin!"
"Oh hi Kevin! It's Ms. Putersmist!"
"Oh god I'm sorry! I completely forgot!"
Lois giggled,
"It's alright Kevin, you can just call me Lois now!"
"Oh I just thought Meg would of told you."
"Tell me what?"
"Her and I are dating."
"Oh wow! That's wonderful! When did that happen?"
"Uh a couple weeks ago, I ran into her in town and we got coffee and hit it off!"
"Well good for you! Alrighty I'll see you later!"
Lois and Brian were walking back to the house, Brian grabbed her hand.
"So it's crazy that Kevin's going for Meg with everything that happened."
"Yeah well she's a good girl Brian, she just does things that are stupid, like her father." They walked up the porch in silence and heard faint noises, Lois whispered to Brian.
"Do you here that?"
"Sounds like faint... Moaning?"
Lois quickly grabbed her keys and and burst throw the door, where she saw Meg and Glenn jumped.
"Mom what are you doing home?!"
Lois and Brian looked shocked, Lois then started screaming,
Meg and Quagmire quickly got dressed, Glen then spoke to her
"Look Lois, everything is fine. The town chatter has died down and we have needs."
Lois was more angry,
"Do you know she's dating Joes son on top of fucking you?!"
Meg looked surprised,
"Mom how do you know?"
"Wait Meg, you're dating Kevin?"
"Yeah but it's been for a couple weeks."
Glen got up and grabbed his clothes and excused himself, which left Lois and Meg and Brian quickly went back outside,
"Mom how'd you find out about Kevin?"
"I ran into him walking home. He seems rather happy you two are thing."
"He does? This will be so much harder now..."
"Meg you shouldn't of been doing this in the first place!"
At that moment, Glen came back in,
"Well Meg, I'm not telling Joe or Kevin, you are. And we're done Meg, I want nothing more to do with you. Goodnight Lois."
Lois just gleamed at Glen,
Brian came back when Glen walked out,
"Lois calm down I think we should go upstairs."
Lois wasn't done with Meg,
"Where's Chris and Stewie?"
"They went out and I called Glen since Kevin was at work."
"Do you know Glen is your dads age?!"
"Yes mom I know, but..."
"No buts Meg, you broke Kevin's trust! How do you think this will make him feel?"
Meg started crying and ran upstairs to her room.

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