Chapter 15: Incubus

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After Celia had left, I felt exhausted. Physically I was fine, but mentally, I was frazzled. I called it an early night at 9 pm and crawled under the sheets because sleep was the only thing that could console my tortured mind. But with sleep, also came something I never expected.

"Elvira, didn't you learn your lesson last time? Come to me willingly or I will fück you with or without your consent!" he growled like a rabid dog ready to attack.

Escape! Escape Elvira!

But how could I escape?

He had locked the door and I was that stupid deer caught in his headlights.

"N-Neymar...p-please," my shaky voice came out as a raspy whisper.

"Shut the fück up! I own you and you do as I say!" he screamed.

His screams traveled to the very center of my being and I shook violently. There was no mercy in his eyes. No light. Only darkness, all-consuming darkness.

Do I fight back? Do I stay quiet and block out what was about to happen to survive? Did I want to survive?

I was ripped from my thoughts when he attacked me like a sleek black panther. A loud scream escaped my mouth as he used all his strength to keep me down on the floor.

"The more you scream, the more it's going to hurt whöre!" he spat on my face.

His saliva oozed down my right cheek.

"Please, don't do this!" I cried out.

My cry was rewarded with a hard slap across my face. The stinging pain shot through my body and my eyes watered, blurring my vision. He took advantage of that moment to rip my blouse. His filthy mouth crushed down on mine, forcing me to give his tongue entrance. But I clenched my teeth tightly. It was a move I instantly regretted. The second slap was harder than the first one and almost knocked me out cloud. He yanked my jeans and underwear down to my knees. I wanted to look him in the eyes to beg him to stop. To make him realize that he was hurting me, but my head was spinning and I struggled to stay conscious. I heard him unbuckle his belt and unzip his jeans. My stomach churned with nausea. Tears ran from the corners of my eyes due to panic and the pain from the hard slaps. But what followed, taught me what real pain was. Pain so unbearable, so violent that I passed out.

I woke up with a loud scream. My body shook controllably. My skin and hair were drenched in a cold sweat. My heart rate was through the roof and for a minute I wasn't able to move my limbs. It felt as if I was trapped inside my own body and I floated somewhere between nightmare and reality. That feeling scared the living daylight out of me.

Even after 2 hours, I felt the fear and panic linger in my mind. I couldn't shake that feeling off no matter how many showers I took. Television didn't help, music didn't help and even meditation seemed useless as the silence only brought back memories of that horrific nightmare.

I decided to go out. Maybe fresh air would help me to ease my mind. I put on simple black jeans and a shiver ran down my spine, remembering how he had yanked my jeans down.

It was a nightmare, I told myself over and over again. But it didn't help. My mind screamed other things.

You know what he is capable of, what he has done to you! He almost raped you! He killed his girlfriend with bare hands! Do you think he won't snap again? Are you really that stupid?

"Just shut up!" I cried as I held my head firmly.

I wanted my dark thoughts to stop. But they continued to scold me. They made me feel ashamed of myself for feeling sexually attracted to him after everything he had done to me.

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