Chapter 12: In the Lion's Den

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More warm teardrops spilled on my hair and onto the side of my face. Some of them mixed with mine and slid down my cheeks. I lost track of time and couldn't remember how long we stayed in that position. All I knew is that I was physically and mentally drained. My eyelids felt like lead, I struggled to keep them open. I gave up the fight and closed them, letting the darkness consume me.

I had a bursting headache when I opened my eyes. I found myself in his arms in that same corner I had crawled to last night. A cold shiver ran down my spine as I examined him cautiously. His eyes were closed but I could see that they were puffy and tear stains were visible on his cheeks. I tried to move and felt how badly my muscles ached. And sleeping in a corner on the floor had only made my body even sorer. I mentally groaned as I struggled to free myself from his filth arms but he didn't budge.

"Asshole," I cursed under my breath and pushed him back as hard as I could.

His head hit the wall behind him and his eyes shot open in pain. I slipped out of his arms before he could react and locked myself inside my bathroom. I slid down the door with a pounding heart. He couldn't hurt me in here, I was safe for now. I stayed quiet and kept my ears open for any noises.

"Elvira," he called on the other side of the door.

I flinched upon hearing my name and I drew my knees up to my chin, hugging them tightly. The horror from last night seeped into every cell of my body, making my body shake in fear. I stood up without making a single noise and moved back from the door. That's when I caught my reflection in the bathroom mirror and a quiet gasp left my lips. I had never looked this bad in my entire life. My eyes were red and puffy, my lips were swollen, and there were bruises around my neck and other parts of my body. I felt sick to my stomach, remembering where these bruises came from and who was responsible for them.

"You don't have to open the door but please listen to what I have to say," he said, disrupting my appalling thoughts.

I heard a noise on the other side, then a shadow covered the light that came from under the door.

"I-I wasn't myself last night," I heard him mumble and guessed that he was sitting against the door because his voice was a lot closer than before.

"I lost it completely lost it last night. I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am for last night. I know my sorry won't make it all undone but I don't know what else to do," he sighed.

A long silence followed. I took a towel from the towel rack and placed it on the cold tiles next to the bathtub. I sat on the floor crossed-legged and stared at the door, praying that he would leave.


I didn't reply and heard him sigh deeply again.

"I'm messed up and I'm not the nice guy, I told you that already didn't I? I gave you the option to leave and never return, why didn't you take it? Why did you stay?" he suddenly asked and that question threw me off.

I knew the reason why I had stayed, why I was forced to stay. He had no right to behave like a savage animal towards me and try to justify his behavior by making it look like I had brought this upon myself. Yes, I was an escort but I hadn't signed up for rape. I couldn't believe that I had felt bad for him only two days ago. I was a goddamn naive fool!

"I wasn't always this...person you know?" he continued.

Though those words sparked my curiosity, I didn't want to hear his sob story. He didn't deserve my pity, not when he had almost succeeded in raping me last night. The bruises on my body were the evidence of that monstrous assault.

"You want to know something, Elvira? Yesterday morning when I woke up, I felt cheerful for the first time in 2 years. It felt so foreign to me and I have to thank you for that feeling, you take my mind off things" he said softly.

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