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Denmark had fallen asleep while standing. His legs were aching now, but since Denmark was dozing off, he didn't feel a thing. The Dane's eyes then shot open and he let out a large "god dammit" before running inside. He had completely left the rifle, but he didn't seem to care much. He ran up the stairs and threw open the bedroom door. 

"S-Sweden?" He said gently. He then frantically ran around the house. He didn't know where Sweden could've gone. It was the dead of night. Sweden wouldn't walk out on his own, would he?

Denmark rushed down the stairs, heading to the backdoor before he felt a hand grip his arms and then pull him close to a warm, heated body. The Dane was frozen for countless seconds before he turned his head and saw Russia.

"Where are you going rosebush?" Russia asked, giving a creepy smile.

Denmark got himself released from Russia's grip. "What did you do with Sverige?!"

Russia tilted his head, giving the same smile. "I'm afraid I haven't seen the little sunflower. I've only seen you rosebush. Oh, and your friends. They were chasing Finland through the snow. He seemed really mad."

Denmark's eye twitched. "They...are fine..." He felt a rush of relief. He knew that they were okay...and there was a possibility that the other three could find Sweden. But the panic was still there. Russia now knew that Sweden wasn't there and he could tell his soldiers to hunt him down.

"You killed my soldiers rosebush. I don't know how, but you and the sunflower are still alive. Well, the sunflower will soon be dead. There is a strong storm coming and if no one finds sunflower and gets him to safety, he'll die from the cold and snow." Russia took a large step closer to Denmark. "But I'm afraid he'll have to die...because I have to bash your brains in with my sink pipe."

Denmark backed up further until he slammed into a smaller form behind him. He felt a sharp blade pressed up against his neck and a tiny squeak escaped his mouth. "Let me go..."

Russia gave a sweet smile. "I'm sorry rosebush, but I'm afraid I can't do that. After all, you did kill my soldiers and that does make Mother Russia really mad."

"Screw you! Let me go!" Denmark shouted angrily, kicking at the Russian.

Russia just laughed and looked at the form behind Denmark. "Let him go China."

China nodded and let Denmark drop to the ground.

The Dane looked incredibly furious. "Please...just let me go and find Sweden. I will let you kill me if you let Sweden go."

Russia looked interested in this offer. He knelt down in front of Denmark and gave the same sweet smile...but it was slowly turning bittersweet. "Oh rosebush...you know I don't keep promises. Especially like that. How about, I get to kill you, but Sweden becomes a part of Russia and he is my property."

"Your...property?" Denmark looked upset for a second, but the rage came back to him. "He wouldn't be...a Nordic anymore?"

"Nope. The little sunflower will be mine. He will no longer be apart of the Nordics, he would be apart of Russia. My property! He will live at my house and he'll be treated fairly there!" Russia seemed overjoyed now. He had lost Finland, so his next shot was to get Sweden.

Denmark knew Sweden wouldn't give in without a fight...but he also knew he would never let Sweden be taken away. Not by anyone. The whole "he'll be treated fairly" was an obvious lie to him. Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia obviously weren't treated fairly, so it was obvious Sweden would be no different.

The Dane nodded to Russia. "Deal...but you must not treat Sweden badly. I will make sure...even if I am dead...that he is being treated properly in your home."

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