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Finland's boots dug deep into the snow. His eyes were looking forward, but he constantly blinked from the snow going into his eyes.

"Are we almost back?" Iceland asked, his one arm wrapped tightly around himself, a knife in the hand with the broken wrist.

Norway's only response was a nod, but a slight shrug was there too. He wasn't holding a weapon, so he was basically hoping if they got ambushed, Finland and Iceland could handle it. The thought of it though went through Norway's head, and made him feel sick. Of course he'd fight back himself! He wasn't going to let Finland and Iceland be canon fodder No way, no how.

When the building came into sight again, Norway, Finland, and Iceland stood there for a few seconds. "Do we have any guns left with ammo?" Finland asked Iceland.

Iceland looked through the bag and then looked at the guns that were there. Only two guns. They have very little ammo though." Iceland frowned.

"Give me one." Norway said, holding his hand back. "You know what, give me both." Norway turned around and took the guns from Iceland. "You two will stay out here and wait for me. I won't let you get hurt. If the soldiers are still in there, I'll shoot them down."

Iceland suddenly thought. "N-Nor? Do you think Denmark and Sweden could still be alive? The Russian soldiers could have kept them alive, right? Those two could just be hostages."

Norway shook his head. "Ice...knowing Russia's specific orders and his hate for both Denmark and Sweden, that's not happening. Russia would not order to keep them alive. He'd order the soldiers to kill them both."

"Nor is right Ice. They wouldn't keep Sve and Dan alive. They're dead." Finland said and shook his head.

The Norwegian frowned at Finland for a few seconds, before turning around. "I'll be back in a few minutes. If something happens, like Russian or Chinese soldiers come, you run. Don't wait for me to come back out. Just go and don't look back."

Iceland was about to protest this before Norway turned back to face Iceland and kissing him. The Icelander stood there in shock for a few seconds before kissing back gently. Norway pulled away and then nodded to Iceland. "Follow my orders, okay?" Norway said. Iceland of course nodded.

Norway then vanished into the building. No gunshots were heard, nothing. The other two stood there, looking around the forest. They were scared they were being watched by Russian or Chinese soldiers. Nothing was there though.

"Nothing is in there." Norway muttered while exiting the building.

"Did you see their bodies?" Finland asked, not even making eye contact with Norway.

Norway shook his head gently. "No... The soldiers took the bodies with them. I guess they wanted to prove to Russia they actually killed Dan and Sve."

Iceland shook his head in disgust. "How sick..."

"Agreed." Finland growled under his breath. "We came back here for nothing though. Nothing at all. Nothing was here in the first place. No soldiers, no bodies... We should've just kept going."

"Finn, it wasn't a waste!" Norway shouted. "We didn't know if the soldiers were here or not. We didn't know if they took the bodies or not. You can't just...say that we came back here for nothing..."

Iceland didn't interfere with those two. He didn't even bother.

It took many minutes before the two had stopped arguing, but by the time it did end, Finland was in tears.

"I never got to say goodbye! Sweden treated me so well and he cared for me! He cared for all of us! Denmark cared for us too! We never got to say goodbye to them! They are dead now and...we'll never see them again! How does that make you feel?! It makes me feel horrible! Sweden is the one who found me... Denmark is the one who took care of me when Sweden wasn't around. They cared for us all. The only good thing about them being dead is that they don't have to go through the rest of this war. They don't have to go through pain anymore..." Finland snapped, tears still rushing down his face, "This is not okay... This will never be okay! I won't let Russia nor China get away with killing them! I'll kill them both!"

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