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France pulled out a shotgun. He started shooting.

Russia retreated to behind the tank where he pulled out a flare gun and shot it into the air.

"A flare?!" America shouted and then was dragged by Britain behind France.

"America, don't!" Britain shouted and then looked up. Another flare was shot up into the sky.

Denmark growled and then ran forward, grabbing Sweden and lifting him off of the ground. "Swe, it's fine."

Sweden seemed like he was crying. Denmark got him to the other three Nordics. Norway and Finland started untying Sweden and they took of the handkerchief off around Sweden's eyes. Sweden wrapped his arms around himself. He turned his head and saw the bloody mess that was Germany's body.

Denmark forced Sweden to turn his head and he then saw China aiming a gun at Sweden. "Fuck you!" Denmark shouted and took out a gun and shot at China multiple times. The Chinese male moved quickly, avoiding the bullets. Suddenly, more shots were fired and one clipped Denmark's ear. He hissed out in pain as he felt the warm blood running down his ear.

Finland looked around and saw the other Asian nations in the tree. Vietnam, Taiwan, South Korea. And one surprise that was the most shocking. Turkey.

Norway gave Sweden a .22 and nodded to him. "Fight...please Swe..." He whispered.

The Swede took the gun and nodded a little bit. "Of course..." He whispered gently.

Prussia took a sword out and a gun was already in his other hand. "They all are going to die..."

France looked at Prussia. "Prussia...don't turn reckless...please... Germany wouldn't want you to die."

"Germany's dead France! You told me you were sorry and you didn't try to stop them!" Prussia cried out and turned to him. 

Britain heard a gunshot suddenly and America fell down with a cry. He was holding his side. "Ah! Britain! I'm shot!" He cried out.

The blonde Britain dropped beside America and held him. "It's okay! It didn't hit anything important! Just went through through an empty space!"

The American coughed and blood came out. "B-Britain..."

Iceland was suddenly over by them. "What the hell happened?"

Britain looked over and saw Russia pointing his gun. This made Britain raise his pistol and shook. More gunfire happened around them and Britain quickly moved and his foot was shot. "OW! Shit!" He yelled and looked at his bleeding foot. He shot at Turkey and the others quickly and dragged America slightly so he was laying in a clean patch of snow that was quickly dirtied by blood that was still flowing out of America.

Denmark suddenly ran and headed to the tank, tackling Russia down and punching him. Russia growled and tried pushing him off. "Get OFF of me!" He shouted and kicked Denmark off. "God...you people don't give up, do you? Just because my Chinese Sunflower killed that stupid blonde..." What Russia was hiding was that he felt like he was actually dying inside. He hated watching Germany get decapitated. He jumped on Denmark and started beating him up. "Damn you!"

Denmark yelped and struggled under Russia, but no luck. He looked over to his group and suddenly saw the other Asian countries attacking his friends...his family. 

"No! Sweden!" He suddenly yelled when Turkey suddenly punched the side of Sweden's head.

Sweden was now on the ground and he was coughing. Turkey got on top of Sweden and held him down. "You aren't going anywhere..." Turkey hissed out.

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