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Morning had soon come and the sun wasn't out once again. Snow wasn't falling to the ground, but it seemed like soon enough it would.

Sweden was laying quietly on the ground with Denmark's arms tightly around him. The Dane hadn't gotten sleep all night with what could happen wrong with all of this, letting Sweden come with them. Denmark wasn't tired though. Adrenaline ran through him because he was so desperately terrified for Sweden's safety at this point.

France walked in and looked at Denmark. "Not able to sleep?" France asked Denmark quietly.

The Dane nodded gently, looking at Sweden and then back at France. "I said he could come with us."

"What...?" France sounded like he was shocked. "I thought you didn't want Sweden to come with us because he was already hurt a lot."

Denmark frowned and looked at France. "I know what I said...but me and him made a promise that we'd not leave each other and if one of us went down, the other would too."

France frowned and walked over. "Well, I'm not letting him die for no reasons..." The Frenchman took a needle out of his pocket and stuck it in Sweden's neck. The Swede twitched at this, but then stopped almost instantly.

"What did you do?!" Denmark asked, worry obviously in his voice.

"He's just going to sleep for a little bit longer. He is fine Denmark. We can leave and the others can watch him while we're gone." France said reassuringly. "America, Prussia and Italy will keep him safe and I am sure America will be able to keep Sweden in one room and if they have to they can get him to another room. He will be fine Dan."

Denmark frowned and bit his lip. "You sure?"

France nodded gently and held out his hand for Denmark once he stood fully. Denmark took France's hand and got up, grabbing his bags and frowning, looking down at Sweden one last time and then exiting the room with France. 


Norway and Iceland had made it to a small house that was basically destroyed, but it would have to do for now. They huddled in a corner together on the snowy ground. Iceland kept complaining how his butt was becoming numb because of the coldness of the snow.

Norway stayed silent though, wishing that Finland would just find them already. It wasn't fair, was it? Not to them at least.

Iceland soon enough fell asleep under Norway's orders after he took off his jacket, handing it to the Icelander. Iceland had refused at first, but then gave in. Norway looked through the bag and frowned. Nothing to eat...

"Just great..." The Norwegian muttered angrily under his breath and then rolled his head back slightly. "Just...fucking...great..."

Iceland woke up at the sound of Norway's voice and frowned. "We'll be found...and then we'll be safe..."

Norway smiled at Iceland. "Of course we will Icy."

"Good...I know you know that too." Iceland fell back to sleep then, a smile on his face.

"No...we're not going to be okay..." Norway whispered after Iceland had fallen back to sleep. "What's happening right now...we'll never be okay until we're found by our allies or Finland..."


China frowned as he was following Russia. The Russian had a certain blonde slung over his shoulder and it was obvious that he wasn't waking up anytime soon.

"Why is he so important, aru?" China said, almost angrily.

Russia turned a little to look at China, stopping in his tracks. "We needed hostages China! We get hostages, we could win war!"

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