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It seemed like forever.... Denmark was still following the footprints...and they started becoming zigzagged everywhere.

He's losing too much blood... Denmark thought to himself before looking back behind him.

Russia and China were a few feet behind, but not by much.

Denmark didn't know how he was going to do this. He knew now that Sweden was losing blood and probably couldn't even come close to running. The Dane knew he was going to have to run while carrying Sweden. It wouldn't be hard because, obviously, he had done it before.

Russia felt like he knew what Denmark was going to do. Grab Sweden and run off as quickly as he could. He wasn't going to let that happen though. He knew how fast China was and of course Russia was going to use this to his advantage.

China glanced at Russia, his eyes narrowed as he whispered. "Are we seriously going to trust this guy? I don't trust him, aru."

"Oh don't worry China. I know what he's planning and it won't work." Russia suddenly gave a creepy smile. "They won't escape..."

Denmark looked back at them again and instantly a glare went across his face. He didn't like this. He hated that he put himself and the others in the position.

As they walked ahead, Denmark saw a figure come into his sight. It was a taller, slim figure. The only one that was only an inch taller than Denmark was Russia and Sweden. Russia was right behind him though...so that meant...

"Sweden!" Denmark shouted and ran forward. 

The form stopped moving and turned. "Dan...?"


Finland's eyes opened and he saw Germany. "G-Germany?"

Germany put his finger to Finland's lips and tugged him up. Germany looked pretty awful. His nose looked pretty broken and it was bleeding horribly and his eye was bandaged up, but the bandage was completely bloody.

Finland's eyes widened. "Did Russia get to you? What did he do?"

"Shh!" Germany got out. He looked around, and then grabbed Finland's wrist before running. Finland followed without a struggle. If it meant finding out what was wrong, then of course.

They got to an empty field and Germany stopped. He kicked snow away from a certain spot and a wooden trapdoor was right there.

Finland was confused, but he didn't question what was happening. He watched Germany open the trapdoor and then get his legs in before making a gesture to follow. Germany slid through, disappearing completely. Finland looked down the hole and saw Germany standing there. Finland got his legs through the hole and then let go of the ground, letting himself fall through just like Germany did.

The room was hot, but it was different from the cold of the outside air. Finland enjoyed this warmth. "Germany, why are we down here, why aren't you talking to me?"

Germany's back was to Finland for a few minutes before turning around. He just gave a soft shrug.

"Please...just talk to me. You're my friend Germany, also an ally of the Nordics in this war. You need to tell me what's wrong." Finland begged.

The blonde German walked over and grabbed Finland by the shoulders before mouthing, "I'm sorry." He gave a sad look and then started heading down a tunnel.

"Why are you sorry?" Finland asked. "Sorry for what?!"

Germany stopped in his tracks and mouthed "Sweden and Denmark" before walking further down the tunnel.

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