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Norway was sitting on a tree branch, looking down at the ground as soldiers passed by.

Iceland was on the same tree, but a branch further up. He was looking at Finland who was how many trees away.

Finland was standing on the branch, holding onto the tree tightly. He seemed to be crying though. His eyes were red and puffy. It had been like this for a few hours. Finland hadn't stopped crying since they heard gunshots in the building and never saw Denmark and Sweden come out. They had to run as soon as the gunshots rang throughout the forest.

The soldiers finally passed by and Norway jumped out of the tree and helped Iceland. Iceland had been incredibly quiet since they left the building. Iceland finally gave in and hugged Norway tightly. Sobs escaped Iceland's mouth. Norway wrapped his arms around Iceland's skinny frame and sighed, looking at Finland who was looking at the ground, angrily wiping tears away from his face.

Norway pulled his one arm away from Iceland and held it out for Finland. "Fin, come here."

Finland hesitated, but then ran to Norway and hugged him. Finland's sobs got louder, but luckily Norway's jacket was muffling the loud sobs. 

Norway knew all he could do was hold them and let the two calm down. He didn't care if it took hours, he needed them to be okay. 

Finland moved away now and shook his head. "I can't believe this... I can't believe we lost them. Sweden just woke up...to see his death."

"Finland, they could've escaped." Norway muttered lowly.

Finland turned around to glare at Norway. "There were too many soldiers! We barely escaped ourselves! Plus, Denmark had to carry Sweden... That means Sweden could've been killed easily. Denmark only had one gun and it had almost zero ammo."

Iceland walked over to Finland. "And you're giving up so easily on them?"

Finland shook his head. "In the back of my head, I want to believe their alive...but I just know they aren't. I am sad to say that, but I just know they can't be alive. I can't keep my hopes up."

"You are being to critical about this." Norway hissed out, not even approving Finland's words.

Finland felt very angry now and he punched Norway. "Just shut up! SHUT UP!" Finland was now in tears once again. He shook his head as he basically stomped off.

Norway was about to chase after Finland, but Iceland grabbed the Norwegian's wrist. "Don't...let him blow off some steam. He's upset about Denmark and Sweden. I am too Norway. You can't just pretend that didn't happen back there! We heard the gunshots and Denmark and Sweden didn't come out. We...can't give false hope to Finland and I don't want the false hope either. Norway...let's just find somewhere safe. Maybe back in the other direction."

"So far, we're letting Finland lead us. I won't let him get you killed." Norway said coldly.

"You think he's going insane or something? How could you? Norway, he just lost people! We just lost people! We lost two people that were family!" Iceland bowed his head and exhaled shakily. "I don't see how you could think he isn't capable. He's not going to get anyone killed. That's far from what he wants. He wants to protect us because he couldn't protect Denmark and Sweden. Stop being selfish."

Norway was shocked. "I'm being selfish? Ice, stop this. We...have to leave him. He's going to get us killed. I don't want you dead Icy." Norway put his hands on the sides of Iceland's face gently, looking into Iceland's violet eyes. 

Iceland moved his head to get Norway's hands away. He even backed up a little, his boot getting caught in the snow, causing him to fall backwards.

Norway and grabbed Iceland's wrist, but went down with Iceland. When the Norwegian opened his eyes, he saw he was on top of Iceland. Iceland's look of disgust instantly made Norway move.

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