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Germany and Finland arrived in the room where the allies of this war for the Nordics were sitting. Prussia, who was being a more "medical doctor" for this war, walked up to Germany and brought him over to a bench. Finland watched, not sure what Prussia was doing exactly, but he decided it was best not to question it. 

Britain walked over and looked Finland over. "Thank god you're okay... I'm sorry to hear about...Sweden and Denmark."

"How did you know though?" Finland asked.

Britain frowned and looked away, looking over at America who was sitting there silently, curled up in the corner. "America, do you want to tell him since Germany won't be able to?"

America sighed and stood, walking over. "A few days ago, Germany ran into Russia and China on the way out to find you Nordics... Some bad things happened and Russia told Germany about those two dying at the hands of his soldiers...but you, Norway, and Iceland escaped cleanly. We're...very sorry about those two..."

Finland frowned and put his one hand over his one eye. "Tell me then...what happened to Germany. Why isn't he speaking?"

America and Britain shared a look before looking back at Prussia. "Can we tell him?" Britain asked.

Prussia frowned at them. He had a piece of cotton and he put it in Germany's mouth for a few seconds before even answering. "Go ahead...Finland was bound to find out sometime anyway..." Prussia muttered under his breath. He took the piece of cotton out of Germany's mouth. It was soaked in blood and it dripped on both Germany and Prussia. "Shit...it's bleeding even worse..." Prussia muttered. Germany didn't even attempt to mouth something. He opened his mouth like he was about to say, or mouth, something. Nothing though. He shut his mouth slowly.

Britain frowned, about to tell Finland, but then France walked over. "I'll tell him, okay?" France said gently.

America right then retreated back to his corner and sat down, hiding his face in his hands, soon crying out "I should've gone with him after all."

France told Britain to go sit down before the Frenchman took Finland out of the room and back down the tunnel and into a different room which had bags of supplies sitting in them.

"Tell me." Finland said, putting his back against the wall and staring at France with large eyes.

France inhaled deeply and then nodded. "When Russia ran into Germany, Russia demanded to tell him where we were hiding out. Germany refused multiple times and so...Russia dragged Germany away and..." France started breathing a little shakily, "and he cut off Germany's tongue out of pure frustration. He was so mad at that moment because Germany wouldn't tell him, he did what he thought was a good punishment...making sure Germany would never be able to speak ever again. That's why Prussia is in such a...pissed off mood."

Finland covered his face entirely. "Germany can't speak anymore...because he wanted to protect people... He's a good man..."

"Exactly. He was doing his job... Protecting the people he cares for. Russia even wanted information on where you were. Germany didn't know that, but he did tell Russia that if he did know, he wouldn't tell him anyway... That's what really set Russia off. Germany can mouth stuff, you've probably noticed." France said gently.

The Finn nodded in response. "What do you think Russia will do if he runs into us...or Germany...again?"

France shrugged. "We actually didn't know he went out another time. We thought he was still here for quite a long time. Prussia started blaming us for him leaving again. At least he didn't get hurt again. He is already having problems with his head, his nose, his eye...his mouth. He doesn't need anymore problems."

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