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Finland kept running as fast as he could. He was grinning widely, so happy to know that they were alive. Russia's soldiers didn't kill them...their bodies weren't taken away. They were just being hunted down. Adrenaline ran through Finland, wanting to keep going until he got to his family. 

The blizzard was still raining down like bullets upon them and it was getting rougher, but the group insisted of going further until they reached whatever they were looking for now. Whatever Finland was getting so excited over.

France was keeping a good pace beside America who had given Britain back his coat. France had two coats on and wrapped one tightly around the younger blonde who gratefully took it, letting the warmth envelope him as he ran.

Britain ran slightly ahead, but was still behind the sprinting Finn who was obviously determined to get to the people that were going this way.

Finland was still smiling, tears rushing down his face. He was so ready to see them again. He needed to see them again. He wanted to see them again. He really did.

The Italians were slightly behind, the cold and snow making them slower than usual when they are practically in "retreating mode." Romano felt completely frozen, but he didn't care at the moment. The group had to stick together and the brunette Italian was going to make sure of it.

Italy on the other hand was getting really worn out and just wanted to stop. The only thing actually keeping him going was because he didn't want to be left behind by the group. 

A bad feeling was in France suddenly...like something wasn't exactly right. A feeling telling him that he needs to get back to the base. A panic filled him, but he ignored it because he didn't want to be afraid of something when probably nothing even happened back at the base. Prussia and Germany were hidden. That was that! Britain looked over at France as they ran. He actually expected to see France having the look of excitement on his face, but worry was written right across his. The Frenchman didn't notice the Brit looking over.


About half an hour of running had passed until they got to a small, wooden shack that was still in the woods. Blood was smeared across the door in a bloody handprint shape. Finland got to the door, looking at it with wide brown eyes. The door wasn't fully shut, so he could hear talking inside.

"You have to stay still... I need to stitch it up..." A voice said gently. The voice obviously belonged to a certain Dane though.

"Shut your mouth Dan...just hurry up!" Another voice practically yelled and then hissed out in pain. The voice was obviously coming from a Swede.

Finland burst through the doors. "Oh my god! It is you two!"

Denmark was shocked by the voice, but turned his head. "F-Finland..."

The Finn stood there, tears rushing down his face. "S-Swe...D-Dan!"

Sweden stood from his spot and stumbled over to Finland, hugging him tightly.

Denmark stood very fast and hugged both Sweden and Finland. "We were looking for you guys for...for a long time... We were in that h-house you three were at. Those damn soldiers burned it...we had to flee and we ended up here."

Finland wrapped his arms around the two tightly, sobbing.

The rest of the group looked through the door, their eyes wide.

"Holy...shit..." America whispered gently and a smile appeared on his face. 

Denmark raised his head and smiled at the rest of their allies. He was happy to see most of them there.

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