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The allies sat together at a steel table. Prussia was sitting beside France and they were holding each other's hand. Denmark sat between Norway and Finland and he was tapping his foot lightly on the ground. 

"So what are we going to do?" Britain said quickly. "We need to be completely serious about this...but we don't even know what to do..."

Everyone around the table looked at Britain and frowned. 

France's hand tightened around Prussia's. "Well...we need to possibly meet up... This doesn't have to turn into a bloodbath...it could maybe just be...a trade?"

"A trade..." America questioned. "What would we trade?! They have both Germany and Sweden! We don't have anything to offer!"

"Except for our surrender..." Iceland muttered under his breath.

Prussia looked at Iceland and then at France. "But we aren't willing to surrender, right?" Prussia questioned. He had hurt in his eyes. "But we can't let the other two die!" The Prussian started sobbing. He was stressed. He had never really been this stressed since the Berlin Wall. He stood from the table and stomped off. He didn't want to listen to them...mostly if they were going to come up with a stupid plan.

Norway frowned. "Prussia is right... We can't surrender...but we can't let anyone die..."

America swallowed thickly and curled up in his chair. "I just want this war to be over..."

"All of us do America..." Britain said, gently rubbing the younger nation's back.

Romano stood and began pacing. "I hate to admit it...but I don't want them to die either... We have to figure out a plan that can save our asses and theirs...but will take down Russia and China."

Everyone stared at Romano for what seemed like hours, but was only a minute or two.

"Romano...did you just suddenly grow a heart out of no where?" Britain questioned.

Romano growled. "Shut your damn mouth you scone-burning bastard!"

America sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Meeting? Did you both forget? Can we just get this meeting over with so we can figure something out and save those two before we just save corpses?"

Silence. No one said a word now.

"Sorry..." America whispered and slid down in his chair.

"No...you're right..." Denmark muttered gently. "America...don't be sorry because you are completely right. It's no point to be here if no one is going to think of a plan. I don't know about you...but I would like to win this war and save those two... Not win the war and save corpses or lose the war or anything like that."

France sighed and nodded. "Okay...let's figure something out then."

They spoke, but every idea they came up with would just lead with them only saving one of them and the other would end up dead...and there were still possibilities of them losing the war.

They finished the meeting and then heard a knock on one of the near trapdoors.

America jumped a little bit. "W-what was that?!"

France frowned. "I'll go check. Everyone else stay here."

Everyone stayed still now, not daring to move as France left the room and came back several minutes later with a piece of paper in his hands which had blood all over it.

Britain stood. "What is that...?"

"I don't know..." France responded. "It was laying on the ground though..."

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