Injuring Your Heart. . .

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                                                                       -Chaol's POV-

As I left Scarlette's room I realized that I loved looking at her face just thinking how cute she was as she cried in my arms I smiled a huge wicked smile whistling to myself down to my room. I took a shower and got dressed for bed sleeping was going to be such a hard thing to do Scar was all I could think about if I had to kill her it would destroy me I wouldn't forgive myself if I did. I looked up at the stars through my window they reminded me of her beautiful shining eyes I fell into a deep sleep. I love her with all my heart but I can't tell anyone.

                                                                          -Scar's POV-

"Umgh" I yawned as I woke up and looked at my surroundings it was so dark that I got up slowly and wen't to the window opening the blinds and letting the light inside my room. I felt the sun on my skin it was natural I always loved it when spring came mom and dad would always take me to the spring carnival. Thinking back to my past I tried to cheer myself up or either uncle Ryan would, when I had the blues but i'm not going to think about being sad i'll have fun today.                         I walked to my closet pulling out a midnight blue dress that went up to my knees I loved the feeling of the rough and soft textures. Afterwards I took a brush, brushing my hair to my left side making sure to use my fingers to curl my hair and pinning it to my head letting loose strands fall to frame my face. I left my room when Rester said "You can use this time to yourself just don't escape okay? I nodded my understanding then told him "I'll be back at six sharp" I glanced back to see him with a smile pasted on his face as I roamed the palace.

Making my way to the garden was easy but breathtaking as I looked more closely noticing marigolds, grapes, roses, orchides, and lavender. All of these plants reminded me of my mother when she wanted to plant these flowers but she never got the chance too. I wanted to forget the sad thoughts and I wanted to see my mother again I was lost in thought and before I knew it, it was time to come back to my room as I walked away from the garden looking into the woods the smell of fresh pine will always be something i'll miss.

                                                              -Chaol's POV-

"Huff" I really didn't want to leave my room but since Damen asked me to I couldn't say no and thats what really ticked me off. I was wearing a blue Suit with a dash of grey which matched my chocolate brown and greyish green eyes. As I looked myself up and down exiting my room there waiting for me down the stairs by the door was Damen which really surprised me.

"Come on Chaol" he smiled flashing those pearly whites at me and I returned his smile as we entered the door to the banquet.

All of the women were flirting with the champions and dancing as well until Damen came everyone was amazed and either bowed or curtsied. I walked all around the ball it was very boring I wish Scarlette was here to make a witty comeback at me but she wasn't here. On the tables were rings that the king gave all the women but almost everyone who has been invited for parties had one walking over to a table I grabbed one of the rings.

The ring in my hand fascinated me the ring reminded me of Scar's beautiful shiny eyes, this ring was silver and had a red saitfire jem in the center I put it into my pocket and walked out of the banquet going up series of hallways and turning left to right. Finally looking at my destination I opened the door only to see the prince there leaning on the door frame watching Scarlette sleep. Not once did he see me coming as I cleared my throat "Ahem.' Damen gasped as he saw me.

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