Elimination Poison

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'Alright everyone I expect that you all are well rested this is going to be a long but hard challenge and remember who ever has been eliminated will stand in a line and will have to do another challenge to see who will go home" Breeyan smiled "This is how the challenge works everyone here will team up into 3 groups you all are going to live in the forest for three days inside of the forest we have unleashed dangerous animals that can paralize anyone for the remaining time of the challenges or even kill you. Now everyone pick you 're teams and start heading into the forest after lunch asap" Breeyan finished as he walked away.

I could hear everyone groaning but I was smiling to myself I knew very well I could accomplish this well in Airdelen the king made me stay in the wild for a whole month without food water or supplies but I need a team who I know won't fail me lets see. I searched the crowd only to be greeted by orange hair along with hazel eyes my friend Archer he would make a good ally for this challenge I walked towards him he seemed to catch on since he waved to me "Hey Archer do you wanna be in a group with me?" he smiled "Sure" he said "But i'm going to be picking our next member" I spoke before he could answer and turned around and out of the corner of my eye I could see him pouting that only made me laugh.

Once again I searched the crowd following a pair of golden green eyes and jet black hair looks like Peter's here as well he must have noticed me looking and waved I waved back but motioned for him to come here he beamed and ran to me squeezing me in a death grip "Pete if you squeeze so hard you' re going to choke me to death" I shouted. He just loosened his grip and hung onto me like a monkey.

All three of us looked at one another with a crazy smile "You guys thinking what i'm thinking?' I asked as they nodded "Party in Kaitlyn's room" they shouted. Archer and Peter are pretty cool apparently Archer was abandoned at the age of thirteen along with his three year old sister and Pete had a pet dog named buttercup he's such a blusher when it comes to cute things I hope they don't get hurt and know when to leave once they get a chance or things here are going to get pretty ugly.

As soon as we finished stuffing our faces we returned to the forest and waited three minutes for everyone to come but before that I saw a whole bunch of nobles looking over us in disgust that was totaly pissing me off. So before we left I flipped off a girl staring at me off then heard her gasp but gues what assmunch I dont give a damn all three of us walked for about three hours till we came to this secluded area where there was a waterful and a whole bunch of fish swimming in the river.

"Okay you guys how about I go get some food make a fire and make a tent while you guys make a whole crap load of weapons" I said and watched as they're jaws flew open and their eyes were wide Archer raised his finger and started pointing behind me in fear I slowly turned around and their in front of me was a viscious tiger. How the hell did a tiger get here!? I dont have any weapons how am I supposed to defend myse- "Aughhhhhhh" "Damn it!!!" I screeched god damn tiger just slashed my stomach this is bad, way bad I have to stop it before it kills us all "You guys climb the trees i'll kill it' I said "No you cant you need help!" they yelled i turned my head around a little so I could keep an eye on the tiger and an eye on them both I smiled weakly to them "dont worry i'll be fine'

They looked at me unsure of what to do until I glared at them as they ran and I watched as they both helped each other climb a tree really high up and when I was satisfied by the hieght they were up I turned my full attention to the tiger that growled visciously as It started to circle me. 

When it lunged at me I had to be quick and duck I swung my leg to it's chest knocking the creature of it's feet I was losing to much blood but I couldn't stop ow that wasn't even a distraction I quickly looked around until my eyes landed on a branch sharp enough to stab it I picked the stick up and started to circle the tiger just like it had to me it lunged once again but I knew this animal wouldn't fall for the same trick once.i kept dodging all of it's attempt lunges until I felt something hard behind me a tree?! 

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