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Hey you were supposed to forget do you remember me?

Who are you?

You'll find out soon enough it's time for you to wake up dear child

"Oh my god Kaitlyn are you alright?" a voice asked "Who are you?" I mumbled "Oh my god! Arch come here! I think we gave her amnesia!!" When my eyes started to adjust there was a boy right in front of me actually two "You idiots!" I yelled catching both their attentions "You should have known better to be aware of your surroundings my stomach hurts so much that I can barely even move and now i'm hungry!" god i'm so freaking pissed off right now. "We are so sorry and beg forgiveness" They said in unison as they bowed on both knees.                       God they are so funny they just make me want to pinch their cheeks so hard!!!

"Okay you guys this isn't time for us to just lie around here we have to get out of this forest" "What?!" I rolled my eyes at how stupid they can be "Well I overheard what they were talking about earlier and apparantly they want us to find our way back to the castle before the three days are up. They were merely testing our intelligence when they said survive in the woods. No shit sherlock"                       I got up from the ground and started dusting myself off we have to get out of here soon.                          

~Kings POV~

God why did my son have to pick such an annoying assassin to be his champion! But there is something odd about her, "My lord are you okay?" "I'm fine dee" I answered "So have you noticed that, that girl Scarlett or whatever her name is the soul that she posses is crimson the spirits their angry at us. What are we supposed to do?!"                 "Shut up Dee i'll think of something" God my head is hurting so much that stupid girl if she ruins my plans I'm going to kill her regardless of her status.

~Petes POV~

Wow Kaitlyn is just awesome now we know what to do. "You guys we each have to do our part to win this challenge." I paused "Kaitlyn Archer we have an advantage before we even got to be chosen as comepetitors I've studied a maps of all kinds of main routes through all kinds of forests including this one."         "Okay" Kait yelled "Lets do this by the time we get there it will be the third day so we have to hurry and do as much as we can"                  We started running through the forest as fast as we could I dont know how long but I know that we were right on track if i'm correct there should be a pound of sparkling gold ful of frogs and lilypads where wild boars like to drink water from. Next will be three trees that form a triange where there is a pretty old apple tree growing. The last checkpoint will be trail of rainbow slime where all kinds of exotic slugs from each species come around each year to breed and afterwards running through the forest straight ahead for a few hours we'll arrive  at the castle.

~Scar's POV~

I didn't know exactly where we were going but I had to trust Peter he knows everything there is to know about maps and poison but after he explained what every checkpoint looked like it made a whole bunch of sense. We were running for a few hours non-stop and passed a whole bunch of competitors that were looking up at us crazy becuase we were supposed to stay in the forest.                                     I ignored all of them but peter he was right we soon ended up at a pond of shimmering gold full of beautiful lily-pads and some wild boars we are so lucky that we haven't run into a wild animal just yet.              "You guys i'm going to make a water jug okay" I shouted "Yeah, okay" was their replies I looked at the lilypads and an idea came to mind I picked of three lilypads and started to remake the shape by twisting them together into a cup and tied it with a twisty twig and soon enough I made a whole int the top making in look like a cup. I scooped up some water and took a huge slower stem and plugged the top making sure that the water wouldn't escape thankfully the canteen held so I started making two more after I was done I handed my teamates water they ought to be thankful for the it.. Men!

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