What you don't understand

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                                ~Scar's POV~

Pete and I will get along just well. Aww he's so cute!

Ame des mor te yep mu hed re cudra me ami setare ejust

Translation made up: I understand well I shall turn an eye for you malady

Ex pel ye ru ami pesur amits e yo

Thank you my dearest brother for our plans will conquer

                                      ~Chaol's POV~

"Hey choal do you want to come with me? I want to ask Scarlett if she wanted to go swimming" Damen asked. I raised my eyebrow at him there's something about Damen thats changing he's not himself lately, he's become more possessive lately and I dont know why.                          Usually he'd just drag me around what his problem? Maybe it's just a phase. "Okay" I answered it's best to say yes I dont wanna upset him even more. We talked and talked all the way to her room, just around the corner I saw Scarlette was outside her room all already.                                              Theres something different about her too but what is it? "Hey Scarlette" we said at the same time she wasn't answering us it's like she was in some sort of trance.  Then we saw it, it was scary she's a-a-a. . . . . . . 

                                               ~Scar's POV~

By the way Scarlette is Italic          And the other person is in bold

Its not right to strick yet you must wait my dear sister for ye must discover the truth of what the king and past rulers have hidden

What do you mean dear brother strange things have been happening I need answers please.

You are close follow the path their are clues hidden all around before we had died a trillion years ago there were many clues you just need to see them you've been sleeping a long time I wouldn't be surprised if you don't remember anything.

What exactly do I need to be looking for? For I am not accustomed to your time.

You will not be needing me my dear Scar this is a test I will not be responding to you anymore for this is your time to claim for place as a ................                                                                          

"Scar!" "What do you want?!" I yelled I couldn't see a thing only blurry figures my head is spinning so much and it wont stop it's so painful. Time was passing so slow it feels like i've been asleep for years but in reality it's actually been 5 minutes, my vision started to get clearer and I realized standing right in front of me was Damen and Chaol both looked horrified like they've just seen a ghost.                                       "W-w what t-the hell just happened" both asked in unison "What are you guys talking about?" I asked dumbfounded I cant let them in on what is happening I need to pretend everything is okay if they knew the truth they'd have to be killed.

The discovery

Of secret sounds

That hide in the ice

In the boles

Of trees

In fierce fires

I am talking

Music here

I am talking

The crubicle

"Scar your hair and eyes were changing colors from all around the rainbow it was scary" Damen paused "Are you one of the deadly sirens? A good siren would stay one color". Damn it! I can't let them know they have to forget "Hey you guys this can all be explained look me directly in the eyes" I said only they're in for a surprise                                                                                                             Lyssna till mina ord och minns dem val ni tva tror jag ar en dalig siren men du kommer inte ihag nagot av vad du har sett I dag nar jag knappa mina fingrar ni tva kommer att kanna som om du har vaknat upp ur en drom                       listen to my words and rememeber them well you two think I am a bad siren but you will not remember any of what you have seen today once I snap my fingers you two will feel as if you've woken up from a dream.                          God! I cant breath right my magics declining faster than I thought it would I should have known this spell takes up to much magic I need to rest "Scarlette child are you all right?" Seiren called I looked back to her and shook my head she took my hand and helped me up to my room and changed my clothes into my silk nightgown for me Seiren is such a good friend. I need to get as much sleep as I can tomorrow is the next challenge the battle has only just begun.

                                                 ~Unknown POV~

Yes in deed you have guessed right my dear you have become weak for I will have my revenge you have betrayed everyone you loved I will kill you, for my family will love you as our new pet I cant wait until you fail the challenges thrown at you, you 're not strong enough.

************************************************************************************************************ O-o oh theres the twist she cant let anyone know not even her most loyalest friends

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