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Upon the time the poor mans curse was set and the sleeping beauty sent to sleep she had watched even through her slumber how the man she had once loved turned into a pitiful beast of the dark this was his punishment and she did not feel the slightest bit of regret.         Years and years had passed and his single rose had begun to wilt he could never learn to love he din't have anything but a shell covering his ugly self. But she was wrong for there was a maiden even more beautiful than her human self hair as light a chocolate and dark brown eyes, skin like a peach he had grown to love her and she had grown to love him. Her name was Bell the one who had broken the prince's curse and touched his soul ever so often he would come back to my grave with Bell and tell her what truely did happen. He cries and cried he loved her but he had his heart set on Bell. Everyone was happy and the princess's slumber was never awoken but do you know? How the princess had awoken from her slumber?

This letter why was it blank? Didn't she want us to find her whats wrong with her?! "God!" I screamed "Chaol calm down" Damen tried "Dont tell me to calm down doesn't she want us to find her! Why would she leave this letter blank!?"    "Chaol" Damen started looking into the night "Didn't Scarlett tell us in the letter that when we are safe the words shall show themselves"

 I just stared at him but I knew that he was right what was she hiding in the first place what was it that she didn't want us to see. I simply took the letter from his hands and started walking away from where we were standing and looked at the letter.  I walked for about a mile into the foolish travelers cave it was pretty long inside I looked down once more and caught a glimpse of what the puzzle was.

Dear Chaol,

               I cannot put it into words anymore for I have started to remember who I was, and why I started killing I want to tell you everything from a long time ago but i'm afraid will you be scared just like he was? Or will you still care for me I know I still will. . .

How do you think of the world without colors?

What beauty if any?

Colors are the gift of the creater

Color is a mystery

How it came about?

think of the flowers

of the fragrent roses

nature is great painter

with brush this blue sky

the white clouds

the azure oceans

the green grass

have you wondered the great creater

this master artist

this master painter

this beautiful world

what color did i begin?

"Chaol" Damen started with wide eyes "Her puzzle I've heard it once. . ." "What do you mean you've heard t once" I asked

"Mom used to tell us that this was her favorite poem from when she was younger it was a poem of two lovers at least thats what I think I've heard"                 "Damen we have to go back to the castle so the queen can tell us what really ha-"      "No need to dear Chaol" a voice had said I reconized this voice well to be the queen "Your highness" I bowed low she'd probably kill me if I didn't.          "There is no need for that child you may rise" she said                          "For my son is right about this puzzle but there is more to the story it was a long time ago but a women of purest light had fallen in love with a man of purest dark for a second she could make him feel whole and happy. She had loved him verry well but on they're wedding day there was an accident-"              "An accident?' Damen and I repeated in unison "Yes an accident now stop interrupting your elders when they are speaking" She snapped." A whole bunch of wealthy barons and dutches's were killed no one knows by who or why but on that very day the girl went missing and so did her fiance. Leaving a horrible and nasty beast behind"                                              

~Damen's POV~ "Mother what was the girls name" I asked I feel as if she's not telling the whole story "T-thats the t-thing I dont know her real name no one did but her mother and father. Our ancestors were obsessed into finding this girl name but ended up with no success" She stuttered.

That was the first time in my life that I had ever heard my mother the queen stutter I just stared at her with my eyes wide and when she turned to look at me it was a look of understanding "Chaol/Damen I would like to help you" she said "What do you mean" I asked                "I went into your fathers study and saw something, something that I'm to afraid of to speak of I just want to get away from here"

"Alright" Chaol answered "So what do you think this means?"       "I think that what the puzzle means is that we have to find the place where the girl disapeared" My mother had answered.

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