Revealing The Truth

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"Why did you want to become an assassin?" Chaol asked suddenly as I looked from the ground to him with wide eyes as I started feeling the lump starting in my throat. He'd really ask me that question?! Even thats way to emotional for me to answer. As Chaol noticed how silent I wen't "I'm so sorry. . .You don't need to answer that okay. It''s alright" he told me and pulled me into a hug.                    I gladly excepted him and wrapped my arms around him sobbing in his arms "It's alright" I tell him "I have to tell you I need to move on from the past"

I took a deep breath "When I was young my parents were in a car accident and everyday i'd cry myself to sleep and when I went to school people who bullied me would be kind to me it was something that I couldn't understand. I hated it I just wanted a normal life but Ryan and I both knew that it wasn't an accident that they died. Evertime I tried to bring the subject up he'd always dodge the questions that I asked." I couldn't say anymore I just couldn't "I'm so sorry I never knew. . ." Chaol said. I shoed him a weak smile " No one was supposed to know thats why I decided to cover my life by killing without any emotion, pain, or remorse"

"Now enough about me what about you? How and why did you want to become the royal?" I asked this subject honestly interested me considering how arrogent Damen is but he does have his good side.                    "Okay ever since birth Damen and I have been childhood friends when I turned 18 my father told me I would take over his postion as the ruler of Ryes. That was something I didn't want and thats what I told my father he understood me and he had agreed to let me come home I gave my position to my younger brother."  Chaol took a deep breath as he continued his story "Then when I was going to leave I wanted to travel the world see new things I had always been locked up in palaces not knowing anthing about the world. Untill a postion of the highest honor was offered to me to be the prince's royal guard it wasn't something I couldn't refuse. I could travel the world and at least i'd have my best friend there with me."

"Aww Chaol" I yawned out of exhaustion "I'd really want to finish this coversation, but i'm so tired" looking at his face I could see his blush creeping up his face which makes me think how handsome he is. I wonder why he isn't married? "Oh i'm sorry! For keeping up you up so late here i'm going to go kay?" as he stood  up to leave I grabbed his arm at inhuman speed and told him "Come back tomorrow okaay." As he nodded his head in agreement, I quickly took a shower rubbing the bath salts over my body until I felt clean and smelled of rasberries. Finally I brushed my teeth and put my nightgown on as I lay into my bed of silk letting the darkness overwhelm me and fall into a deep sleep.'

We struggle to have meaning                                                                       In this world which we all know    We try but yet we wonder                                                                                            Where we all should go Hidden in the quesions                                                                                                  Which we can not find    The answers are all hidden                                                                                        Deep inside our minds Hidden in our soul                                                                                                         Is the life we try to hide But in time it will find you                                                                                                        And it will release All of its secrets hidden beneath                                                 So before it ruins the life you have made Release those dark secrets                                                                                And the memories will fade  Hidden in our lives are stories left untold                                Of the things we didn't want them to know   But once you tell somebody                                                                          And make your feelings known  The struggle will be over                                                                                          And you'll finally be home

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