Life & Love Life - A Freewrite

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Life is so unusual, and so is love.  We give and we take, we give and we take, & we give and we take.  Constantly, we just go through the events without thinking about the consequences or what may happen after.  It isn't always that something will be a bad consequence, but it may be a good consequence. 

For example, you may go on a date with someone and not think "this person might just be a great friend to me," because you're thinking "I want this guy to be my boyfriend."  I've been through this countless times and it's annoying in a way.  I'm not asking for pitty, no, I'm just telling you my life.  I want to think that things will get better and I'll finally have my way, but why have my way?  Why should I not have my way? 

I'm constantly bombarded with reasons from guys on why they won't date me -- the "I'm not ready to date again" excuse is so overrated and usually stems from a deep psychological damage linked to a recent, or not-so-recent, ex of theirs.  There is also the "you're not my type" excuse and I've heard that time a many.  Here's the actual question, though, how do you know I'm not your type if you con't actually speak with me and get to know me?  I understand you might not favor my looks, but personality is what you're ultimately going to go after in the coming years.  Oh, there's another one, the "looks" excuse that you don't hear, but see.  It's when a guy doesn't respond to your messages or gives you those one-word answers like "k," or "cool," or even "oh."  Honestly, get over it assholes, go fuck yourselves and actually get to know someone for once.

That brings up another point about my life -- I run into jerky assholes all the time.  I understand that I might not be the best looking guy on the planet, but at the same time I ain't the worst on this planet.  You may not like my looks, but I certaintly am conempt with my looks and would not change a thing about it just to get guys to come to me.  Yeah, I'd like it if, for once, guys came running to me -- however, I'd rather find someone genuine for once.  Is that so hard to do?  Yeah, it is apparently.

I've been the one that has always suggested the traditional method: talk, coffee, talk, date, talk some more, etc.  Some people suggest some more non-traditional methods: talk, fuck, don't talk, fuck, talk, fuck, etc.  They both have "talking" in common, but there are major differences between the two.  With the more traditional method, it's actually about each other with some small talk.  The alternative method is really two seconds of small talk just to get the sex train rolling.  The 10pm train to Slutsville is calling half of the in-the-closeted and douchebags out there in the world!

I, honestly, don't care who thinks otherwise of what I've written.  This is what I've seen and more not listed here.  The fact of the matter is that I'm not angered by men, but I'm confused as to why they don't want to be themselves and want to be on this high pedistal of life that's only going to come crumbling down or evanesce into nothing like them.  If a self-centered male creates the facade to make themselves high and mighty and then has no one to fall to and evanesces into the thin air around them, I wouldn't be surprised.  I'm honestly not trying to sound like an asshole or anything, but I'm sorry if it comes off that way.

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