Too Far Gone (S04E08)

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A/N: This is my second story on Wattpad. I hope you guys like it!
You had been walking for weeks, with only a bow, three arrows, and a hatchet as your protection. No companionship. No life. Just surviving. You thought you'd never make it this far, but you did. The only reason you kept fighting was to prove something to yourself; that you were actually something even in a crappy world like this.

You were gathering some raspberries in the mountain, when you heard what sounded like a squirrel. You didn't hesitate for your bow. You turned around and saw a man, staring at you behind a tree, very precautious like. He also had a bow; a crossbow. You two just stood there staring at each other, like a deer in head lights.

He finally broke the silence and said "The hell a girl like you doing out in the woods?"

You looked at him and said "What is it to you? I've been out here for weeks and haven't seen anyone."

The man said, "You have? Do you have a camp, a place to stay for the night?"

You shook your head and looked down, not wanting his pity. He asked you three questions. You answered each of them truthfully.

"Come with me." He said, rushed.

You half smiled at the generous man. As you two walked over a hill, a prison emerged form the horizon. "What's your name girl?" He asked.

"... (Y/N)... It's (Y/N). And your's is?" You said.

"Daryl." he said, walking up a fence. You walked past three locked doors that a woman opened. The woman smiled at him firmly and looked at you like you were an alien or mystical creature.

She looked at him and said "I don't think Rick's gonna like this"

Daryl looked at her "Well he's gonna have to get over it."

Daryl took you into the prison, 'c-block', you saw painted on the concrete wall. When you walked into their cafeteria, you saw the woman that opened the gate for you. Beside her, was a taller man with a brown half sleeved shirt. Standing close to him was a boy about thirteen, with an almost new born on his hip. Across the room, was an Asian man and a woman with short brown hair, and beside them was a small blonde girl.

You started by saying, "Hi, my name is (Y/N)." The man with the brown shirt, interrupted, "What do you want from us?" "Nothing, well just a bed for the night." you confessed. They all looked at each other. You could tell that they weren't very trusting people. Daryl pulled Rick aside and started whispering to him. You couldn't make any of it out. Meanwhile, the rest of the people were analyzing anything and everything you did.

They joined the rest of them a few minutes later. "I'm Rick. This is my son, Carl and my daughter, Judith. Over there is Beth, Glenn, and Maggie. Daryl has convinced me to let you stay. But I do have one rule." He stated sternly. You nodded, hinting him to go on. "Do NOT hurt my family... or I will hurt you." You gulped and nodded in agreement, not saying anything, because you knew they didn't care what you had to say. All you said was, "Thank You."

Daryl motioned for everyone to disband, leaving you and him in the middle of the corridor. "Well, let's go." He said grabbing his crossbow, leading you out of the prison once again.


"Where are we going? I just came from out there." You said.

"Just up the mountain." He said walking a little faster.

As you stumbled behind him, you saw Rick talking to himself. You were about to run to him, when Daryl grabbed your shoulder and said "Don't worry about him"

You nodded and continued walking. You two came to a stop at a stream about 10 feet deep. He said, "Ok get in"

"Get in? What do you mean get in?" You asked confused.

"You're filthy. Get in." He said, pointing to the water.

"Well, I hate to break this to you... but so are you." You said, with spice.

He looked at you shocked, and rolled his eyes, as he turned around.

You took off your brown Laredo boots, and propped them up against a rock. Then, you took off your socks, shirt and pants, and hung them on a tree branch. You pulled your boy shorts down and quickly ran in the water.

Once the water was up to your ribs, you unhooked your bra, and threw it onto the branch. "You know you don't have to face the tree. You can get in if you want,"  You said, going deeper to cover your body.

He just stared at me, "You sure?" You nodded, slightly. He took off his boots and shirt. You went underwater to get your hair wet and when you came back up he was right in front of you. He spun you around in the water so your back was to his stomach. He traced you spine until you stopped him; for two reasons: you didn't want him to see the memory you wanted hidden and you didn't know what his intensions were.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I don't get close to people is all." You made up.

He looked at you and nodded, in defeated. In the middle of the stream, the two of you waded together until you heard screaming. Daryl sprang into action at the sound. You got dressed quickly then, grabbed your bows and ran back to the prison.

"Hurry Up girl!" he yelled back to you.

"I'm running as fast as I can!" You yelled.


Once you two arrived at the prison, you saw a tank and a few dozen people around it. There was a man, with an eyepatch, standing on the tank, with two people kneeling in front of it.

"Shit" Daryl said, walking down the hill.

"What?" You asked following him.

"I'll tell you everything after this is over. Just be quiet: Stay here. I will come get you when this is over. Hopefully Rick will resolve this." He said before walking around to make his way inside the gate to assist his people. I watched as he ran.

The man shot two walkers approaching him, causing you to jump. Rick and the man exchanged words, which you could not make out.


Minutes passed, the man jumped down from the tank and took out a rather large sword. He put it to an older man's neck. Everyone, from what you could see, behind the fence panicked. Rick continued talking.

The man with the eyepatch swung back the sword and sliced the man's neck. Rick's group screamed in terror. Rick let off the first shot and retreated back into the main gate. Shots were coming from every place. You didn't know what to do. You ran the same way Daryl did, moments before. As you ran, you saw the tank move right through the fence. You ran faster. You made it to the fence, where Daryl was shooting from.

"What can I do?" You yelled, over the shots. "This isn't your battle! Just run" He said back. You restated the question. "Just shoot." He, then said, handing you a gun.

You and Daryl spotted a few of the people that where trying to kill the group. You two didn't even notice the walkers that were behind you. One grabbed Daryl. You still didn't notice. He easily killed it and used it as a body shield. He then threw a grenade in the people's general direction, killing them.


You two ran to find an exit, killing a few walkers on the way. Daryl threw a grenade down the pipe of the tank. As it was rolling down, a man barely escaped. When he was fully out he stopped and turned around. Daryl shot him with an arrow in the left shoulder. Beth came running up behind you, "I was trying to find the kids, to get them on the bus."

"We can't go back. We gotta go." He said, as the three of you ran.-

Don't be a silent reader!! VOTE/COMMENT/SUGGEST/SHARE.

-Thanks, Shaide <3

UPDATED 12/24/15  at 8:36PM

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