Always Accountable (S06E06) Part 1

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A/N: So I decided to break down this episode into two chapters, because it was too long as one chapter. SO, You can have this one today and part two will be published Thursday. (Regularly Scheduled)


The four of you had been driving down an unimaginably, long road, in an unbearable silence. It was exhausting, as well, as annoying. It's not like you had to ride in silence; it's just the fact that no one had anything to stay. You just sat on the back of Daryl's bike and propped your head up against his back.

"Alright." Sasha broke the silence, over the radio. "That's twenty?" Daryl questioned back. "It will be. 642 is a mile ahead. We gotta put distance between us and them before the turnoff." Sasha clarified. "So floor it." Abraham said, as you wrapped your arms tight around Daryl. "Alright, try to keep up."

"Daryl, have you looked at this car? Believe me, we want to get back there, too." Sasha chuckled. You came to a road sign that said '642' You've finally made it. Daryl turned the corner and drove down the road.

Just a couple miles up, gunfire is covering the path. "Shit!" You said, as Daryl swerved from the gunfire, inevitably sliding his bike off the road. You slid alongside of him. "You good?" He said, propping the bike back up. "Peachy." You said, hopping on behind him, as he started the engine.

He navigated bike further down the road. You constantly looked behind you. There were two cars, trailing close behind. You turned around slightly and popped off a few rounds. Daryl turned a corner, only to find several walkers waiting there for you. He swerved out of the way of the walkers, losing one car in the process. You sped down a wooded road, plenty of room to camouflage yourselves. Once you were out of the line of sight, Daryl pulled the bike over into the woods.

You two watched as the car passed you and drove the bike straight across the road, down a dirt path. The two of you were solidly sheltered by the woods. All of a sudden, Daryl fell off his bike and to the ground; sending you down with him. As you fell to the ground, you closed your eyes. They'd been alert for so long. They needed a break, just as much as your body.

A walker growling, snapped you and Daryl out of your separate dazes. You, both, turned your heads left and saw a burnt walker lying beside you. You sat up beside Daryl and looked around. The area around you was scorched, like someone had a napalm torch and just set the entire forest ablaze.


Daryl finally got up, after a moment of rest, and got the bike back up to its normal posture. "Where now?" You asked. He looked around. Every direction looked the same. "That way." He didn't point to any direction. You just knew that where ever you were going, that it wasn't going to be home, anytime soon.

The two of you pushed the bike passed dozens of burnt bodies. You couldn't help but stare. It was almost sad. Daryl didn't see the upcoming hill, and it sent the bike rolling down it. You attempted to keep it up, but you had little success.

Daryl grabbed the walkie, from his vest and clicked the button, "Sasha? Abraham, are you there?" Just static. "We're probably just out of range." You assured him.

He looked down at the flamed skull. Blood was dripping down from his hand. He shook off his fingerless glove and threw it to the ground. He, then, attempted removing his jacket, but not without wincing in pain. This injury must've happened during the bike skid.

"Here." You commanded; making him give you his arm. It was all torn up. Before you could do anything, branches were heard snapping in the distance. Daryl grabbed his bow and threw some loose brush on top of the bike, covering it. You, also, grabbed your bow and followed close behind him.

You stepped lightly behind him, looking in every direction you could. You felt a sense of life, behind a tree. You turned your bodies, and saw two girls, "You found us, okay? Here we are. We earned what we took." They put their hands in the air. Daryl and you both had your bows pointed at them.

You hear a branch snap behind you. Daryl turns around, to be clocked in the face by a man. You, in a panic, turn your body around, to be clocked in the face by one of the girls.

Blackness consumes.


Don't be a silent reader!!

-Thanks, Shaide <3

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