Remember (S05E12) Part 2

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That night, you all camped out in the living room of one of the houses you were giving. You understood why Rick wanted this, but it was still annoying. You were giving two gigantic houses. Why did you all need to be cramped into one?

You and Daryl sat on a window seat next to Judith's crib. Rick put her down, and Daryl smiled at her. You looked over at Daryl, "What?" he asked.

You shook your head, looking down. He never smiled. It was nice. He should do it more often.

Michonne walked into the living room, "How long was I in there for?" She sighed, in relief.

Rick sighed and looked at his watch, "20 minutes."

Michonne lifts up her toothbrush, "God, I could not stop brushing." Rick walked up to her and she looked at him, "Huh. I've never—I've never seen your face like that."

"That's what I felt like before and after." He said, touching his smooth face, walking away.

Michonne grabbed his arm, "Look... I get why we're playing it safe. We should. I just—I have a good feeling about this place."

Rick looked at her, "Well, I hope you're right." "Yeah, me, too."


The knock at the door startled everyone. You stood up beside Daryl, who was making faces at Judith. Rick waited a moment and walked over to the door, opening it.

Deanna walked into the house, "Rick, I—Wow." She said, looking at his face. He groaned in annoyance, because that was everyone's reaction. "I didn't know what was under there. Listen, I don't mean to interrupt. I just wanted to stop by and see how you were all settling." She looked around the room. "Oh my. Staying together. Smart."

Rick looked down on her, "No one said we couldn't."

"You said you're a family. That's what you said. Absolutely amazing to me how people with completely different backgrounds and nothing in common can become that. Don't you think?" Deanna asked.

"Everybody said you gave them jobs." Rick said, looking at all of you.

Deanna nodded her head, "Mm-hmm. Yeah. Part of this place. Looks like the communists won after all." She chuckled.

"Well, you didn't give me one." Rick sounded offended.

"I have. I just haven't told you yet. Same with Michonne. I'm closing in on something for Sasha. And I'm just trying to figure Mr. Dixon out, but I will." She said, as you looked over to him. She took one last look at Rick, "You look good." She said, walking out the door.

He scoffed and closed the door behind her.


The next morning, you woke up refreshed. You rolled over looking at Daryl, who was still asleep. You gently moved a piece of hair out of his face, trying not to wake up. He jostled and rolled over. You silently giggled to yourself.

You got up and walked around the house. You eventually found yourself in the kitchen. Abraham, Rick, and Maggie were in there, too. 'Good morning', they all said, collectively. You greeted them back.

Within the next couple of minutes, the whole group was up and ready for the day. You all walked out of the house. You and Daryl decided to sit on the porch. You two weren't into social interaction.

Rick was the last one out of the house. He saw the two of you, "They said explore. Let's explore."

"Nah, I'll stay." You both said, simultaneously.

Rick looked at you two, "Alright." He said, walking closer to the steps, but he stopped, "Lori, my wife, and me, we used to drive through neighbourhoods like this. Thinking, 'one day...'"

Daryl tapped his foot, "Well, here we are."

"We'll be back." Rick said, walking off the porch.

Once Rick left, you looked at Daryl. He looked back at you, then down real quick. "Are you seriously asshurt because you didn't get a job?" You asked bluntly.

He looked at you with fierce eyes, "No, that is dumb petty shit." He tried to stand up.

You grabbed his arm, "What did I tell you about this shit, Daryl?!" You shouted, sort of. He looked down on you, then sitting back down in silence. "Talk to me, when you're ready. But, don't take too long.... I might, not be so optimistic about your issues, next time." You got up, walked off the porch, and down the road. Daryl didn't even attempt to stop you.


You walked for a few miles. You walked along the wall mostly. You checked for any cracks or holes. There was nothing. It was overall secure. You were safe.

"Hey." A voice behind you said, causing you to pull your bow on him. He threw his hands up, "Woah, whoa. I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Dr. Pete Anderson. Deanna told me you were a Physician's Assistant before all this." He extended his hand.

You lowered your bow, "Sorry, I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." You took his hand, shaking it. He gave you a very creepy smile. You looked down, letting his hand go.

"Do you want me to show you the clinic?" He said. You nodded slowly, following him.

You followed him to the front gate. You saw Daryl lunge at a man. You jogged to him. Rick was prying him off, "Whoa, Whoa! Hey, hey, hey! Let's not do this now."

Daryl was choking the life out of him. Another man looked at Glenn, "Cool, alright?"

Rick was still attempting to get Daryl off, as you walked closer to him, "Daryl." You said, helping Rick pushing him off. Daryl let up and walked backwards. Rick stood in front of him, as you grabbed his arm.

"I want everyone to hear me, okay? Rick and his people are part of this community now in all ways as equals. Understood?" Deanna yelled, sternly.

She looked a taller man, "Understood." He smugly said.

"All of you, turn in your weapons. Then, you two come talk to me." Deanna said to the two men, as they walked away. You let go of Daryl's arm. He started pacing back and forth. "I told you I had a job for you. I'd like you to be our constable. That's what you were. That's what you are. And you, too." Deanna continued, telling Michonne and Rick. "Will you accept?"

"Okay," Rick simply said, looking at Michonne, "Yeah, I'm in."

Daryl scoffed and walked off. You knew it! You were right! You chased after him. You called his name a few times, but, he was pissed off. You just followed close behind him, all the way back to the house. His actions were going to do something to ruin this entire thing, if he didn't get over this issue.


Later that night, you saw that Daryl and Rick were talking on the porch. You heard them talking about Rick being a cop again, etc. You walked out and said, "So we're staying?"

Rick looked at you, "I think we can start sleeping in our own homes. Settle in." He walked closer to you.

"If we get comfortable here, we let our guard down—this place is gonna make us weak." You explained to them.

"Carl said that. But, it's not gonna happen. We won't get weak. That's not in us anymore. We'll make it work. And if they can't make it—then we'll just take this place." Rick said, looking at the two of you.-


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-Thanks, Shaide <3

UPDATED 12/28/15 at 12.13PM

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