Coda (S05E08)

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The three of you got back to the warehouse, a couple minutes later. You looked around the room. "Where's Sasha?" You asked. Daryl walked further into the building. "Lamson's gone, too." He said.

Rick ran out of the warehouse. "Watch them!" He said, talking about the other two cops. You and Daryl walked to them and sat in front of them, like statues, until Rick arrived back at the warehouse.

Sasha came over to us moments later, rubbing the back of her head. You rushed to her. "You okay?" You asked her. She sat on a stool and nodded. Rick came stomping through the doors; without Lamson. The group looked at him. He walked away from you, Tyreese, Sasha and the two cops. Daryl followed him. They whispered for a minute, and then rejoined us.

"He was a good man. He was attacked by rotters. Saw it go down." The woman said. "Huh. You're a damn good liar." Rick said to her. "We're hanging by a thread here. He was attacked by rotters. That's the story."

"You said the trade was a bad idea. What changed?" Daryl asked. "Lamson was our shot. So it's this or you go in guns blazing, right? You don't want that. " "If this is some bullshit you're spinning, and things go south—"Daryl says, as she cuts him off. "I know. I know the good ones from the bad. Let us help you."

Rick looked at her and the man, "What about you? You want to live? How much?" "Dawn's afraid she'll look weak in front of us. Thinks it'll tip things against her. Hell, it will. She'll see this trade as a rip-off, if she thinks you took out one of our guys. So it's a good thing Lamson got aced by rotters." The man said, as Rick turned to look at Daryl.


You found a parking garage across from the hospital. You all went up to the roof, after walking up tons of stairs. Sasha and Daryl took point, while you and Rick took the cops and sat them beside a car. After a while, Rick decided to go onto ground level to meet the car that was about to arrive.

When Rick got down, Daryl snapped his fingers, telling Tyreese to radio Rick. "They're at the vantage point." After a moment, Rick comes in, "Okay. Copy that."

You watched from the rooftop. Rick walked, hands up, towards the car. The two officers got out of the car and pointed their guns at Rick, behind their doors. He said things to them, that you obviously couldn't make out.

Rick moved his left hand towards his holster and laid his revolver on the ground. He turned around with both hands up, so they could see he didn't have another one behind him. He turned back around, and lowered his hands. The cops closed their doors and walked towards him; guns still aimed.

A walker was approaching them; Sasha had a silencer on her gun, so she took the shot and eliminated the threat.


Once you got the okay from Rick, you grabbed the cops and walked down the stairs. You all met with Rick and the other officers.

You walked into the hospital, still having your hostages. You walked down a long hallway, before getting to a set of stairs. You walked up them, behind Daryl. You turned a corner and walked through a pair of doors. You came to a stop.

Rick looked through the windows and looked back at you. There were four cops aimed at the group. Beth and Carol were behind them, with a doctor with his arms crossed. The cops saw Rick and put their guns in their holsters.

"Holster your weapons." Dawn radioed. "You, too." Rick said, from behind the closed door. All of you did, as you stepped out of the way so one of the officers could open the door.

The group walked through the doors, as Beth pushing Carol in a wheelchair came to the front of the cops.

"They haven't been harmed." Rick said. "Where's Lamson?" Dawn asked. "Rotters got him." Shepherd said. "We saw it go down." Licari said. "Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. He was one of the good guys. One of your's for one of mine." Dawn said. "Alright." Rick said, looking at Licari. Daryl let him go, "Move." They both walked forwards. Dawn looked at one of her officers and he rolled Carol down the hallway. He handed him a bag and then rolled Carol the rest of the way.

Dawn grabbed Beth's arm and walked her down the hallway, as Rick did the same with Shepherd. Dawn let Beth go, as Rick did the same. Rick put a comforting arm around Beth and led her back to the group. "Glad we could work things out." Dawn said. Rick turned around, "Yeah."

"Now I just need Noah." Dawn said. Rick stopped walking. "And then you can leave." "That wasn't part of the deal." Rick said, walking towards her. "Noah was my ward. Beth took his place and I'm losing her, so I need him back." Dawn said. "Ma'am please, it's not—"Shepherd said. "Shepherd! My officers put their lives on the line to find him. One of them died." Dawn said, cutting her off.

Noah took a step forward. Daryl put his hand on his chest, "No, he ain't staying." Daryl walked towards her. "He's one of mine. You have no claim on him." Dawn said. "The boy wants to go home, so you have no claim on him." Rick said.

Dawn looked at Rick, "Well, then we don't have a deal." "The deal is done." Rick said, getting agitated.

Noah stepped forward, "it's okay." Rick put his hand up," No. No." Noah kept walking, "I got to do it." Noah hands Rick a gun. "It's not okay." Beth said. "It's settled." Dawn said, as Noah approached her.

"Wait!" Beth said, waking forward hugging Noah. "It's okay." He told her. "I knew you'd be back." Dawn said. Beth walked towards her and got real close. "I get it now." Beth said, before getting a bullet through the head. You stood in complete silence. You looked at Beth's limp body on the floor. You wanted to cry. You were crying. Daryl took out his gun and shot Dawn between the eyes.

The cops aimed their guns at you; you aimed your guns at them. "No! Hold your fire! It's over. It was just about her. Stand down." Shepherd said, as the cops lowered their guns. Daryl held up his gun and sniffled. You went up behind him, tears rolling down your face. You put a hand on his shoulder. He dropped his arm and started crying. Beth was died. What else was there left? You told yourself and Daryl you'd keep this girl safe. Now she's dead. Daryl turned to you and cried into your shoulder. You cried with him.


You all walked outside of the hospital. Rick was first. Daryl carried Beth lifeless body out the door. You saw Maggie. She fell to the ground. She screamed and cried. She just lost her sister.

You walked beside Daryl, who was still crying. So were you. We stood in front of her, as she screamed and wept. You couldn't do anything. You couldn't save her. Life had no meaning...again. -

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-Thanks, Shaide <3

UPDATED 12/26/15 2:35PM

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