Thank You (S06E03)

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A/N: I have decided to grace you guys with a mini chapter!

Since it was so small, I decided to not upload it as a 'weekly' chapter.

Hope you enjoy!


"Tobin, it's not stopping. Light it up. You hear me?" Rick panicked over the radio. All everyone could hear was static. "Tobin!" Rick called again. Nothing.

The four of you looked at each other confused. What was going on?

Daryl snatched the radio from your hand, "Rick!" He yelled. "I'm here." Rick responded. Daryl clicked the button on the radio and spoke, "What's going on back there?"

"Half of them broke off. They're going toward Alexandria." Rick explained. "Towards you?" Abraham asked confused. "We ran ahead. There's a horn or something. Loud, coming from the east. It's not stopping." Rick said, out of breath. He was obviously running.

"We're gonna gas it up, turn back." Daryl said, loudly, over the walkie. "We have it. You keep going." Rick commanded. "They're gonna need our help." "Gotta keep the herd moving."

You snatched the radio, back out of Daryl's hand, "Not if it's going down, we don't." Rick came over, "The rest of that herd turns around, the bad back thing gets worse." You didn't say anything.

"Daryl?" Rick asked. You handed him the walkie, "Yeah, I heard you." You all did as Rick said and continued down the road.


After a while of shear, walker groaning 'silence', Daryl drove next to the car and yelled, "Hey, we gone five miles out yet?" Abraham yelled back, "Give or take some yardage. You got a reason for asking?"

Daryl responded, "Next intersection, we're gonna spin around and go back." You squeezed his waist giving him a chance to rethink that idea. "The plan is to go fifteen more." Sasha spoke up.

"Yeah, Imma change that. Five's gonna have to work." Daryl said, trying to balance the bike at this painfully slow pace. "The magic number's twenty. That's the mission. That's making sure they're off munching on infirm raccoons the rest of their undead lives instead of us." Abraham protested. "You two wanna go, we can't stop you. But, without you, they could stop us." Sasha yelled above the noise.

Daryl had a serious look on his face, as the next intersection came up. You all saw a sign that said, 'ALEXANDRIA', in cursive writing. He looked at the sign for a moment. You thought he'd change his mind and stay. But, he proceeded to speed up and say, "Nah, I got faith in you." In the distance you could hear Sasha and Abraham shouting, "Daryl! Don't do it, man!"

The constant thought of 'this is a bad idea' loomed in the back of your mind, the entire way back.


Rick came over the radio once more, "Glenn, I'm in place by my best guess. You guys make it yet?" All that was heard was static. You hung your head, against Daryl's back. Something went wrong. "Glenn." He came over again. Nothing. "Tobin, you there?" Rick begged for someone to be there. Just static. "Daryl?" Rick called, for him.

You handed Daryl the radio, "I'm here." He quickly said, as you two sped down the road. "Won't be long now. They're almost here. I'll get them going your way again." Rick said, calmly.

"How 'bout that, Daryl? He's gonna be coming our way." Sasha said, in a snooty tone. You scoffed, and looked at what you could see of Daryl's face. He had a slight amount of remorse, but never slowed down.

"There's gunfire coming from back home. We gotta sit with it and hope they can handle it. I think they can. They have to. We keep going forward for them. Can't turn back 'cause we're afraid." Rick said. "We ain't afraid." Abraham replied.

"This is for them. Going back now before it's done, that'd be for us." Rick paused. "The herd has to be almost here." He paused again. You could hear static hissing over the radio, and all of a sudden, gunshots were heard. You took the radio back and yelled, "Rick?" More gunshots. "Rick?" You yelled again.

Daryl sped the bike up, in hopes to find him. He came to a stretching halt at the side of the road, and aggressively snatched the radio back, 'Rick?" he yelled. POP POP. He called once more. No response. Daryl sighed and hung his head. He looked around, for something; anything.

After a moment, he decided to speed off in the direction the two of you already travelled. You flew down the country side road, at the very least going ninety miles an hour.

You came to a 'Y' in the road and saw the red car and the mass of walkers, stalking behind them. Daryl and yourself joined alongside of them, again.

Don't be a silent reader!!

-Thanks, Shaide <3

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