No Sanctuary (S05E01)

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All of you had been stuck in this metal box for days now. Some of you had even thought about going a-wall, but you stuck it out. You had to. You needed to survive. That was your job. All of you eventually came up with a plan. You made weapons with anything you could find: belts, zippers, wood.

Throughout the course of the days, you and Daryl explained to Maggie what had happened to Beth. She understood, there's nothing you could've done. It gave you some closer. She thanked the both of you for keeping her sister safe.


"Alright. Got four of them pricks coming our way." Daryl said looking out of the crack. 'Y'all know what to do. Go for their eyes first. Then their throats." Rick said, walking to the door. You took your stance, with your sharpened zipper.

Someone yelled from outside, "Put your backs to the walls on either side of the car, now" Then we heard footsteps on the roof. It opened. You all looked up and a smoke grenade fell in. "Move!" Abraham said, pushing all of you to the side of the box. Smoke filled the room. You heard the door open. You fell to the ground. The smoke had filled your lungs, and you eventually passed out. The plan had failed.


You woke up moments later. You attempted to do a head count but, everyone was so frantic. You searched around the box for Daryl. He was gone. Rick? Gone. Bob? Gone. Glenn? Gone.

"Damn it! Where are they?" Abraham said. "Calm down. You know how you get when you're angry and we are in a metal, locked box." Rosita calmed him down. Then all of a sudden, you heard a loud 'BOOM'. It shook the entire box.

"What the hell was that?" You asked, regaining your balance. "How the hell would I know, little lady?" Abraham shot. You stared at him. "Really? Don't be such an ass." You looked at him dead in the eyes. He brushed it off.

"What the hell is going on?" He continued. "Someone hit them." Michonne said. "Maybe our people got free." Sasha said. "Excuse me." Eugene, then, said pushing pass Tara and Sasha. "What the hell are you doing?" You asked him; he was on the floor kneeling to the bottom of the door. "I might be able to use this shell to compromise the door. From the sound of things, there may not be anybody left to open it." He explained.

"Eugene, I'm sorry, but shut up." Tara said. "Okay" he responded softly. "Hey. My dad's gonna be back. They all are" Carl said, hopeful. "They are. And we need to get ready to fight our way out with them when they do." Maggie commanded. Everyone went back to sharpening and filing weapons.

From outside the box, you could heard woman screaming, walkers snarling, and gunshots firing. You knew that Terminus had fallen. All of you felt useless.


A few minutes passed. "What's the cure, Eugene?" Sasha asked. "It's classified." "We don't know what's gonna happen." Michonne said. "You leave him be." Abraham stated.

"We need to keep working." Maggie said, trying to ease the tension. "Yeah, but it's time to hear it. Cause we don't know what's coming next." Sasha pushed. "What's next is we get out of this," You said.

"Even if I told you all, even if I provided step-by-step instructions complete with illustrations and a well-composed FAQ and I went red-ring, the cure would still die with me." Eugene said. "I'm not gonna let that happen." Abraham said, looking at a stake.

"The best-case scenario, we step out into a hell storm of bullets, fire and walkers. I'm not fleet of foot. I sure as hell can't take a dead one down with sharp buttons and a hella confidence." Eugene said. "Yeah, but we can and we will." Michonne said.

Sasha stood up, "You don't owe us anything. Not yet. But we just want to hear it." "You don't have to." Rosita said.

Eugene stood up, "I was part of a ten person team at the Human Genome Project to weaponized diseases to fight weaponized diseases. Pathogenic microorganisms with pathogenic microorganisms. Fire with fire. Interdepartmental drinks were had, relationships made, information shared. I am keenly aware of all the details behind fail-safe delivery systems to kill every living person on this planet. I believe with a little tweaking on the terminals in DC, we can flip the script. Take out every last dead one of them. Fire with fire. All things being equal, it does sound pretty badass."

"So let's get back to work." Maggie said. Then suddenly the door opened. It was Rick! "Come on! Fight to the Fence!" he yelled.

"Let's go!" Daryl said, grabbing ahold of your arm. You stabbed multiple walkers on the way to the fence. They just kept coming. There was so many.


All of you arrived at the fence. "Up and over!" Abraham yelled. You got over then waited for Rick to jump over. "Come on!" you yelled. Abraham just made it over.

You walked through the woods with the rest of them, abruptly coming to a halt. "Right here." You heard Daryl say, kneeling down to move some brush off of a bag.

"The hell are we still around here for?" Abraham asked. "Guns, some supplies. Go along the fences. Use the rifles. Take out the rest of them." Rick replied. "What?" You said. "They don't get to live." "Rick, we got out. It's over." "It's not over till they're all dead." "The hell it isn't. That place is on fire. Full of walkers." You said, again. "I'm not dicking around with this crap. We just made it out." Abraham said. "The fences are down. They'll run or die." You continued.

You saw a woman over Rick's shoulder, as you were talking. Daryl turned around to see her, too. She stopped walking. Daryl ran to her and hugged her tightly. She let out a small giggle. He didn't let go. It almost looked like he was crying. Rick walked over to them, "Did you do that?" He asked, before giving her a huge hug. She started to cry. He let go. "You have to come with me." She said in a whisper.

She led you down a nearby road. You walked with the group for a mile or so. A black man walked out of a rundown house with a baby. Rick dropped his stuff and booked it to him, so did Carl. He grabbed the baby from him. Sasha ran towards the man, too. Once the baby was out of his arms, Sasha opened up her arms and hugged the man tightly, crying.

"Thank you." Rick said to the man, placing a hand on his shoulder, holding his baby.


Moments later, the group was just standing by the roadside, waiting for someone to come up with a plan. "I don't know if the fire is still burning." Rick said. "It is." You spoke. "Yeah. We need to go." Rick continued. "Yeah, but where?" Daryl asked. "Somewhere far away from there." He said. You picked up your bag that you'd laid on the ground and followed Daryl back to the train tracks. Back on the road, again. It was what you were good at.-

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-Thanks, Shaide <3

UPDATED 12/24/15 at 10:02PM

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