-Sore Loser-

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[April 14, 2008]

Broken.  Nineteen years, and not a single hospital visit.  From head to sore toe I am alive, but I feelbroken.  No one can figure out how five people survived an accident that should have claimed their lives.  A week has passed and I am still trapped in that day.  My shoulder tweaked in pain as I slowly tried to sit up in my bed.  My throat felt coarse and dry.  What a way to recover from a belated birthday.  As I outstretched my legs from under my quilt the joints in my hands shuttered.  The weight of my torso on my wrists buckled my arms sending me falling back onto my bed.  Flustered, I realized that this possibly wasn’t the brightest idea.  I felt weak and lazy.  I dragged myself back on to my chilled pillow and folded into relaxation.  Rolling over to face my window I found a godsend from my mom.  I didn’t stop to breathe as I inhaled the entire glass.  The water cooled me to my core.  Refreshed, I found my pillow yet again.  I had to be far more tired than I could have previously imagined because after two deep breaths I was falling.

I smelled gasoline.  I took short and shallow breaths. It was thick, loud, and pungent to my senses.  My eyes were closed.  My neck was speared at a sharp left and my neck simply jerked about wildly with each futile gesture for freedom.  I felt nothing.  Each limb was offline so-to-speak.  Numb, all except two fingers on my left hand.  It was close-inches away from my body.  I heard a constant blearing of a vehicle.  It was a loud deafening noise that seemed to be distorted, but unending.  It frazzled my thoughts as I fought to alert the rest of my body.  In my struggles my jaw shifted, and swung open uncontrollably.  I tasted a hard iron, almost a copperish taste leaked from my tongue.  My head flooded with pressure as I struggled to shift open my eyes.  My leg contracted just as my right eye jetted open.  I gargled in the blood oozing from my shattered jaw in terror as I glanced over my broken body.  My left shoulder was forced into the side of my skull which caused the intense pressure.  My neck was broken, from the force of impact which jolted my neck to the left.  My left hip melted into my left leg which lies dying under the folded lower half of my driver-side door.  The more noise I tried to make the more I seemed to understand and see.  We’re dying inside what’s left of my car.  My life was fading from my body.  As my right eye began to shutter the car door that pinned me into Tierra fell away.  A rush of cool air permeated my crimson soaked flesh.  Before I knew what was being done to me it was over.  A random person saved us.  The way he looked down at me with such remorse.  I saw them just before I blacked out-his eyes.   

My curdling screams shattered the deafening silence in my eerily dark bedroom as I shot up to a seated position.  I could count the beads of sweat racing down my forehead.  Then it all came echoing back like a tossed boomerang weighed down by tortuous nightmares.  I tossed the quilt off my jittery body and peered at my ailing limbs, reluctantly counting them along with my fingers, toes, eyes, breasts and ears.   I was whole and unbroken.  My breathing eventually slowed.  Scared, but relieved that what I saw was merely a dream.  My brain finally pieced together what I had suppressed from the accident.  The fragmented memories were no longer jumping around in my mind like loose change in a tin can.  They were settled, and stable.  The man that I saw in my nightmare, who was that man? 

My curiosity eventually deduced that from where I was laying, the distance and direction the man traveled was further into the park.  I was compelled to go to the park and see this man face to face.  

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