-A Grim Reaping-

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            I couldn’t find him.  I had been all over the park searching frantically, but none of the homeless faces made sense.  It was as if they were all blurred, or wrong to me in some way.  Was it the tears that made it difficult to see?  I am just a yard or so from the very place that my life was almost destroyed.  I tilted my head upward, and could barely manage to look in that direction.  That was a struggle I could save for another day.  For now, my first day outside would be spent searching for those eyes. 

His eyes were much different than any I had ever seen.  They were like glimpsing into space if each star were alive and free to move about on their own accord.  His eyes had with they’re gazed a polished sparkle like a black bag full of diamonds.  They were mesmerizing-beautiful.  Was I crazy?  Did I imagine this man with the stunning eyes?  Was I so broken at the thought of my death that my mind drifted off into one of my beloved fantasy novels?  As if sci-fi novels could explain what’s happening.  No, I felt this close to my core.  I was trembling and teary eyed.  My search continued through the lush green park for over an hour.  He wasn’t here and I was starting to doubt that he was even real.

            The park lights had just come on, and it was getting late, so I decided to return home.  I trekked back towards the sidewalk which led under a small cobblestone bridge.  I heard the clunking of skateboard wheels against the sidewalk which echoed from across the street as I passed under the bridge.  A few kids quickly darted in the other direction from where I was headed.  As I peered over to them my brain shot a chill down my spine-there!  High on the underside of the bridges slanted wall sat a man whose gaze paralyzed me in fear.  He was real.  My body grew stiff and awkward as I robotically stepped out into the semi-busy street.  It was as if my mind fought against it, but my body could do nothing else.  I was driven, no compelled to go to him.  As my foot lifted from the grass and aimed for the street-warmth.  Instantly warmth grew over me restoring the sensation to the rest of my limbs.  I looked up and the odd man was gone but next to me.  Close.  He held my head and body against his chest and I felt free. 

        His strength flowed through me willingly.  The aching in my joints and spine were suddenly gone.  Turning, I glimpsed into his eyes and was transported into his being.  I gasped, my face turning a beat red as I pushed away.  I took my place a few steps from where he held me. 

“I know you.”

            Nodding softly, “You remembered me.”

            His jet black bangs grew over his right eye while the rest of his locks flourished down his spine.  It was oddly straight, noticeably healthy, and shiny. 

            “You’re not homeless.”  I muttered in disbelief.

            “Then what else would I be doing down here, sight-seeing?” 

            I was drawn back by his sarcasm.  The way he stood there with his arms still open struck me as odd, “What’s your name?”

            Lowering his hands into his pockets he shuffled his left foot about the lush grass and scoffed, “You need to know my name in order to thank me?”

            I suddenly took offense, “I was planning on thanking you until you grabbed me just now.” 

            A car motored past, “You were about to step blindly into the rode.  I had to.”

            I blushed, “Well, I didn’t ask you too.  Besides, what were you doing up there anyway.  You look like a creeper sitting up there watching everyone that passes.” 

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