-Spilled Beans-

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            Outside.  We walked with our arms linked somberly as we cross the main street into the park.  Our thoughts seemed to curve back to the moments of the accident. Neither of us could easily say what was on our minds, but we both silently agreed that it was easier left unsaid.

            “I’m surprised you even wanna do this Hayden.” Tierra sighed softly.

            “What good is a second chance if I never leave the house?”  I muttered sarcastically.

            She nodded calmly, “Tell me about it.  But you seem to remember more than the rest of us.  Like this mystery guy.”

            I laughed, “Andelus?”

            “So that’s his name?  I’m guessing you’ve got dirt on him?  Who is he?”

            I smirked, “He’s complicated.”

            “Complicated?  You make it sound like you two are dating.”

            I paused.

            “No way!  Damn girl you move fast.”

            “Stop.  It’s nothing like that, he’s kinda eerie.”

            “That’s not what your smile is saying.”

            I blushed awkwardly.  I didn’t notice that I was smiling and had been since Andelus got brought up, “Funny.  Speaking of complicated, what’s the deal with Kyle?  Did you notice him?  He was totally crushing.”

            She scoffed, “He’s been geeking over you ever since you first introduced me to him. How could you not remember that?”

            Our laughter echoed from the park as Kyle came into view.  He was parked just across the street at our local hangout, the coffee bistro Donavan’s.

            “Hey! I got our table and I already ordered for you guys.  Took y’all long enough to get here.  The drinks should be out any second.”

            Tierra smiled, “So thoughtful.”

            “So where’s Shane?  Late as usual?”  The smirk fell from my face as Tierra cut me odd glance. “What?”

            Kyle laughed quietly to himself, “Bathroom.”

            I’m not sure what was going on with Shane but Andelus seems to think that Shane’s been taken by the reapers.  I leaned into the table then glanced back into the store, “I’m not sure why I waited to tell you guys this but Shane’s…”


            We all glanced over at the entrance as he appeared daringly with a slick grin and a glide in his step. 

            “…speak of the devil.” I utter softly under my breath.

            Shane’s grin transformed into a pompous smile as he shrugged playfully, “Not quite the devil but I can be tricky.”

            Tierra giggled.

            “What’s good man?”  Kyle greeted him as he helped himself to the open seat next to mine.   

            I peered at him in awe, unable to speak no that he was sitting inches away from me.  My body tightened up.  I could hear my heart beating in my ears as my fingers grew clammy.

Angeliku/SINS [rough draft]Where stories live. Discover now