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I finally lifted my eyes from prayer.  The sun anointed my forehead.  The wind kissed my palms.  I knew it was time to move on.  I have his blessing.  In his blessing I am granted yet another life.  I smiled.  My time here is over.  It is time for her to make the choice. 

“Your will be done.”

I closed my eyes and saw through hers.  Our minds melded.  As did out eyes, and other senses.  I was over taken by her extreme grief.  Slumped down behind a metal door, safe from the enemy, she found no comfort.  All her hopes and fears had finally come true.  She was finally alone.  She cried out to her friend in agony as she felt her light moving away from the door.  She screamed and pounded.   Tierra took a few steps away from the door and went into prayer. 

“Andelus, I’m not certain where you are, but please look after her.” Tierra whispered gently.

I replied, “I am with her now.  My essence is standing next to her, my body will arrive soon.  Do what you have to do.”

Smearing the tears from her cheeks she gathered her strength, “Will she remember me after I’m gone?”

I slowly stood to my bare feet, brushing off the dirt and tiny gravel from my knees, “You are the living memory that she has of you.  When you go, it all goes.”

She scoffed, “You’re just as cold and unfeeling as always.  I’m not going to miss that.  Hey, can you do me a favor?”

“Explain it to her?” I asked.

“Remind her?” She replied.

“I promise you.  This day, your sacrifice will be as real as any other.  It will not be in vain.” 

“…then there’s nothing left for me here.” 

“Thank you.”

“She needed you.  From here on out she will have to rely on faith.  You will be her final test.”

“It’s never easy…is it?”

“All things are possible with God.”

With those words I severed our connection.  It was the last time we would ever speak on Earth.  I returned my burning gaze back to Hayden as she raced up the stairs towards the office.  The door creaked as upon her entry, and a light breeze pushed the dust from her path.  She made her way to the nearest window, clearing a desk of some old papers and peered from the window in horror as her beloved friend, found herself surrounded by Reapers.  Shane himself was present.  Standing just before her with his grim scythe in hand, Shane, boastfully waving the weapon before her eyes.  I could feel her fear.  Her knees shook and her voice cracked in intimidation, but she would not yield.  She felt the eyes of her friend, Hayden, falling upon her and slowly it took away her fear. 

“…you will die here and now.”  Shane uttered daringly.

Shane scoured as the Reapers hung back.  He brandished his twin scythes.  The hellish duel scythes were wrapped in chains, and the blades curled like black flames.  With his left hand he quickly swung at her limbs, attempting to poke and slice at her light. 

She raised one of her exposed arms and blinded the Reapers causing three of them, the closest, to wither and burn up in a ghastly show of combustive force.  After the three Reapers dispersed she proceeded to walk closer to Shane who, like a coward, hid himself from the spectacular light.  As she took steps toward him, two more, the Slimmest Reaper accompanied by the Hunchback Reaper drew there ghoulish blades.  A scythe with thorns was hurled through the air, and as it collided with her shoulder.  The other Reaper swung a bladed mace, with jagged teeth.  It whipped through the air and slammed into her thigh which ripped clothing and flesh from her body exposing a brilliant light to those closest.  First the weapons, then the Reapers themselves were swept up in a blinding fire composed of light that swallowed them whole.  Their tortured screams zapped the very sound from Hayden’s voice as fear sent chills down her spine.  Her throat gasped in horror.  She wanted nothing more than to stop this beating but in her was no strength, only the eyes to continue to see, to bear witness.  Her eyes would allow no more tears as she banged on the glass daring to crack it and instantly revealing herself to her enemies. 

Angeliku/SINS [rough draft]Where stories live. Discover now