-All the Cards-

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[Andelus Speaking]

            During my many lives I've watched this world and all the things in it.  It never ceases to amaze me at how lush and teeming with life some places are especially woodland areas.  In the 12 century all I did was walk the forests of the earth. I've been around a long time and the amount of life never ceases to leave me in awe.  It's always the people, in my opinion, that seem to throw off natures balance.  Isn't that really what it's all about-being subjected to balance?  Today is no different.

            I watch them.  It's my duty.  That duty never changes and neither do I.  Perched on top of the cabin, I on look as Tierra, plagued in her condition, barged into the forest with Kyle in toe.  I decided not to follow.  The purpose of our arrival was nothing more than leverage against me for the truth.  I'm sure it's a truth that none of them want, but I'm positive that before the day is done things would be set in motion that cannot be undone.  The best I can do is control the amount of information and bend it to my favor.  The two disappeared down the path towards their memorable waterfall.  Controlling what they knew would take all my creativity.  I was unwilling to lie but to keep things spiraling I needed to keep the mood light. 

I dropped down from the chimney and onto the roof tiles then down the side of the cabin.  As I made my way into the doorway I barely managed to avoid the physical collision with Hayden, who was on her way out.  She didn’t need to follow them because they were in no immediate danger.  Truth is I wasn't sure if the Reapers were lurking or not.  They were spirits and in this world I could not feel nor sense their presence until they had made themselves known.  What I could do is draw her attention in turn I would be keeping her safe.

“Hayden!  You brought me all the way out here to get your answers.  So I assume you're ready with questions?”  I spoke just as she crossed the threshold.

She gasped softly then turned immediately, “So you are willing to talk about it.  Good.  I'm not letting you off the hook.”

“If I didn't want to answer with the few answers that I can give you, I wouldn't have allowed you to bring me all the way out in the middle of nowhere expecting answers.” I stated mockingly. 

            “That's not funny.  This may not be a big deal to you but our lives are falling apart.  Ever since you saved us from the accident it's been a giant guessing game.  When are the Reapers coming?  How are they coming?  You owe us an explanation, something to give purpose to the reason why you stuck your neck out to save us in the first place.”  She aimed her index finger at me viciously pacing back into the cabin.

            I raise my hands from my sides and surrendered, “Then where are you going?”

            She closed the door behind her and motioned me over to the dining table.  With a smirk on my face I gracefully joined her at the table. 

            Seated next to me she shyly looked into my eyes, “Well, first off, I don't want you to think that I'm some kind of brat.  I'm not ungrateful for all you've done.  I'm just dying to understand…,” she rolled her eyes jokingly and smiled, "…poor choice of words.  I'm sorry if I acted like a kid at any point.  It's not every day your Guardian Angel decides to save you and your friends from Reapers.”

            I leaned back in my chair and took a shallow breath, “In all honesty you’re handling this quite well for someone who could die any moment.  The important thing is that you understand.  I am not here to save Shane, Kyle or Tierra.  The one they are after is you.  If they get your soul I’ve failed and that by no means is an option.”

            She nodded uneasily, "I get that but all I ask is that you keep them safe as well.  Losing Shane was harder than I thought it would be and if I lost the others I'd be broken so please…”

Angeliku/SINS [rough draft]Where stories live. Discover now