He Scares You | Mashton | Part Two

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His P.O.V

What had I done? The look of fear and hurt that crept on to (Y/N)'s face broke my heart, the thing breaking it more is that I'm the one who caused it.

Me and Ashton were discussing management, and a few more issues that had been going on. I was stressed, it's not an excuse, I know that.

"You're such an idiot sometimes dude!" Ash yelled into the phone. "She's six years old, it's what? Past midnight? She probably had a bad dream and wanted her big brother!"

I muttered a "I know" in reply, knowing how Ashton was probably right seeing as though he has younger siblings - both of which are older now.

"Go put it right! Call me tomorrow." Ashton said before hanging up.

I quickly ran to (Y/N)'s room, the only thing I could hear was sniffles. I went over to her wardrobe door, knowing she was in there. She always goes there when she's upset, or scare. It's where she always goes. I pulled the door open, and kneeled down to the ground.

The sight in front of me broke my heart. My little sister, had tears rolling down her cheeks, red puffy eyes and she was shaking a little.

"I'm so sorry baby" I whispered picking up her small frame. I stood up with her in my arms, as she wrapped hers around my neck hiding her face in my shoulder. I was taking her to my room, hearing her sniffles and small sobs along the way.

I laid her down on my bed, before climbing in next to her pulling my duvet up around us both.

"I'm so sorry, I was talking with Ash - important things, very important and I was very stressed" I said quietly.

"Y-you scared me more.." (y/n) hiccuped.

"More? Did you have a bad dream baby?" I asked, running a comforting hand through her hair. She nodded in response, before yawning slightly.

"I'm sorry, I won't do it again okay? You're safe with me. Try and sleep, tomorrow we can go to the beach, and maybe tell me about your dream, okay?" I said kissing her forehead. She nodded in response, before drifting off to sleep in my arms.



After seeing the look on (Y/N)'s face, and the fact she hadn't come back downstairs I began to feel really bad. As her older brother, I should have known better than to do that. I should be protecting her from being hurt, scared by people.. And I just did that.

"I'm gonna see if she's okay, I shouldn't have done that.." I said to the lads, before running upstairs to (Y/N)'s room.

I walked in to find her, hidden under her quilt, I could see she was shaking. The guilt was eating me up, I felt awful for what I'd just done. Especially knowing how scared she can get.

"(Y/N)?" I said sitting on her bed.

"Piss off Ash." She mumbled pushing me slightly, sitting up so I could see her.

"Hey don't swear!" I said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood.

"Hey don't swear!" She mocked in reply. "I said go away and I meant it!" (Y/N) said yelling.

"No!" I said. "Listen to me, I'm sorry okay? I was an idiot - I shouldn't have done it. I should be the one protecting you from being scared, hurt.. But I'm the one who made you scared and I'm sorry. Please come back down to watch the movie?"

"I'll come back down if we can switch off that movie, and watch one of my choice.." She said, a slight smirk appearing on her face.

"Ugh, seriously? You'll probably choose something like frozen!" I whined.

"I'll just stay here, and I'm sure mum would like to h-"

"Fine! Whatever you want!" I groaned.

"Oh and the second part of the bargain? Order pizza?" She smirked, laughing a little.

"You're such a little shit, but okay we can order pizza" I laughed.

"But in all seriousness, you kinda did scare me Ash." She mumbled.

"I know, I'm really sorry for it. Now get your ass down there to order pizza, ask the guys what they want, I'll have my normal"

(Y/N) jumped off her bed to head downstairs, me following behind.

"Ash is buying pizza!" I heard (Y/N) yell as she headed into the lounge. "Oh and we're watching frozen!"

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