He Scares You | Cake

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You've never really seen Calum angry before, and you've never heard him shout. Shouting and arguing is what scared you the most, it's how it has always been ever since you were much younger.

When Calum got home from the studio, your parents had to go out leaving Calum in charge. Today had been a really long day for Calum going over lyrics, recording, he was completely exhausted.

You bounced into the lounge happily to see your big brother laid down, you didn't realise he had fallen asleep otherwise you wouldn't have done it. You jumped onto Cal, giggling with excitement wanting to show him a drawing you did for him, although by doing this it caused him to jolt awake and he wasn't best pleased.

"(Y/N)!" He yelled. "That was mean, I was sleeping! You don't jump on people, you silly girl! That hurt me!"

"I didn't know you were sleeping.." You said sadly. "I-I want-" but before you could finish Calum had overpowered you.

"You obviously did! Stop lying to me!" He yelled again - you felt intimidated by Calum for the first time in your life. "Go to your room now!" You flinched a little, your lip trembling slightly as you ran off with tears in your eyes, dropping the drawing at your feet.

Age (17)

I had moved in with Luke recently as things at home had become tense, and he lived closer to my school. Lately he's been acting really off towards me, I'm constantly wondering what I could have done wrong.

I got home from school about 5pm, as I had to stay after for after-school dance classes at the studio there, I walked in and called for Luke but there was so sign. I sighed to myself, feeling slightly hurt. He's always out, not coming home until late and when he does he's drunk, smelling of alcohol. It happens so often, I may as well live on my own.

I took a quick shower, trying to relax after the stressful day at school, exams (finals) were approaching so we had lots of practice papers and revision everyday, not to do just at school, at home as well. I did the normal routine I had, after my shower, made myself tea, revised for a while and then laid watching a movie.

I must have fallen asleep on the sofa (couch) and was awoke by a loud crash and a familiar voice drunkly saying 'Shit'

He walked into where I was sat, and took a seat next to me. Luke can either be a nice cuddly drunk, or a scary nasty one. It frightened me slightly of what he's capable of.

"Why are you down here, huh? Spying on me,  are you?" He slurred.

"No Luke, I fell asleep watching a movie and then you woke me up.." I mumbled.

He shrugged and got up heading into the kitchen, maybe tonight he was being the nice and sorta okay drunk. He called my name and asked me to come to the kitchen, as I walked in his face was red and his fists had become slightly clenched. Shit, maybe it is the angry Luke.

"Where's my dinner?!" He said, raising his voice.

"You weren't here Luke, it would of gone off or something." I said quietly. "And there was only enough for one"

His fists slammed down onto the table making me flinch, taking a few steps away.

"Don't walk away from me you little brat!" He spat walking towards me. I felt myself hit something hard, the wall. He had me cornered.

"Luke stop, you're scaring me, please.."

"No, if you're gonna live here do as I say or leave!" He yelled, I mumbled a fine in response pushing past him to leave, before I could move I felt a shove and my body hit the wall, I saw Luke his hand in the air as if he was about to hit me. I flinched, cowering down.  Part of him had sobered, realisation hit, the look on his face changed as he lowered his arm, he stared at it, as if it was an alien object.

I pushed past him and ran, ran out the door not taking a phone, keys or anything. I didn't know where I could go. I kept running, what did I do to make him so angry? Or upset him to make him ac this way.

I found myself at the doorstep, the door step of my brothers best friend, as well as my boyfriend, banging on the door. Soon the face I wanted to see appeared, I broke down into his arms, shivering from the cold winter air - I didn't grab a jacket I was frozen.

"He was drunk, I thought he was gonna hit me Cal!" I sobbed. Calum held me tight in his arms before guiding me to his room where he laid us both down, handing me one of his hoodies, he wrapped a blanket around us both in an attempt to warm me up, holding me tightly in his arms, one hand was running through my hair and the there holding my hand.

"Calm down babe, tell me what happened?"


Aye I hope this was alright? Would you like a part two?!

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