Catches You With Another Band Member Part 2 | Muke

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(Caught with Ashton)

"What the f**k is this?!" Yelled the familiar voice of my brother.

Michael was angry, you could tell by the way he spoke, the look on his face and the fact he was looming over us.

I stood up from the bed, standing between Ashton and Michael - thankfully I put one of Ashton's t-shirts on before we went to sleep

"Michael calm down please? Just hear me out okay?"

"No!" He yelled. "Get the heck out of here before I make you!" He pointed at Ashton, glaring at him.

"Shut up Michael!" I yelled. "You can never let me be happy can you?" I said, I pushed past him walking out my room, I fell down the wall a little further down the hall, I couldn't help but cry. Ashton made me happy, why couldn't he understand that?

"I know it's a shock for you, us being together and we didn't plan for you to find out like this at all Michael, but let me tell you this. I love your sister, she's my world and I know this, I see her in my future, long term. You're gonna have to get use to the idea. Now if you excuse me I'm going to go and make sure (Y/N)'s okay" I heard Ashton say to Michael.

As Ashton came out the room he saw me, his face fell at the sight of the state I got in. He crouched in front of me, taking my face in his hands wiping my tears. "Don't cry baby, it'll be okay, I promise.." He said kissing me gently.

"You really love each other, don't you?" We heard Michael ask. Both of us nodded, Michael smiled a little.

"I'm sorry I was an asshole.. It's just a bit of a shock, like I had suspicion that something might have be going on but I was shocked to find what I did." He shrugged, smiling at the two of us. "But one rule, no smooching in front of me"

Michael walked back to his room, Ashton smiled widely, as I'm sure I did myself before smashing his lips on mine. At least now we have nothing to hide, not from my brother at least:

(You're dating Calum)

"What the hell is this?" Yelled the all to famIliar voice of my brother Luke.

"Luke don't freak out please.." I said, trying to reason with him.

"Don't freak out?! You expect me to be calm when I come home to find you making out with my best friend and band member?!" He laughed, by that I knew he was mad.

"This is why I didn't tell you! I knew you'd freak out! Even Ben and Jack were cool with it!"

"I'm gonna go, let you guys sort this out.. Call me later babe, okay?" Calum said, placing a kiss on my cheek before leaving.

"Ben and Jack knew?" Luke asked, hurt in his voice. "So everyone else knew but me?"

"Luke it wasn't like that I promise.." I started before he cut me off.

"But it's exactly like that! You told everyone else before me, and kept it from me. For how long huh? Weeks? Months?"

"It's been about six months in total I guess, but officially dating kinda thing for three.."

"You could of told me.. I wouldn't have been mad, I was just mad just then because you guys never told me. I thought we told each other everything.." He mumbled.

"I'm sorry Luke, I really am. I just didn't want to make things tense between you all either. I love you bro" I said hugging him.

"Love you too Sis" he said hugging me back.

"So you're cool with me and Cal, yeah?" I asked.

"Yeah it's cool" he smiled.


I don't even know what happened with the part two of these? They're pretty awful.

Michael tweeted he's dyed his hair blue and cut it and the lil shit hasn't posted a selfie I'm screaming rn asdfghjlkp

QOTD: what's ur favourite Michael hair colour?
AOTD: I have multiple - I liked the blue, pink, red and blonde? Galaxy was cool, so was purple. I DONT EVEN KNOW I JUST LOVE MICHAEL CLIFFORD

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