You / He Comforts One Another After Hate

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A/N - you comfort one another when receiving hate (wouldn't fit in the title properly!)

You're 16
Your P.O.V

Being Ashton's sister, you'd think the fans wouldn't be so crawl and send such foul things but people surprise you.

Growing up I'd always had low self esteem, self confidence issues. It just seemed to get worse.

I was scrolling through my Twitter feed but some tweets stood out the most.

"(Y/N) is so ugly, how are her and ash related lmao"

"(Y/N) is literally the only 5sos sibling we don't like"

"Ew why's there (Y/N) all over my timeline?"

In the end I couldn't read on, I threw my phone at the wall, screaming out in frustration bursting into tears. I've had enough. I can't handle it.

"(Y/N)?! I heard a bang and a scream what's wrong?!" Ashton said bursting into my room, when he saw me his frantic expression changed to sad.

He picked my phone up glancing at the, likely smashed screen. He must of saw what people said.

"Do you believe what these people are saying?" He asked in almost disbelief. I shyly nodded.

He sat next to me, I rested my head on his shoulder. It was silent for a few minutes before he spoke.

"Please don't believe them, they're all so wrong. You're beautiful, smart. I know it's hard but please don't believe what they're telling you." He said sadly. "Everyone I know thinks you're beautiful, the boys constantly mention it, there families."

"But you don't see what I see, and those comments!"

"No you're right, I see someone who is beautiful and I wish you would see it. One second." He said pulling his phone out. He bought Twitter up and began writing a tweet.

"Some of you have been sending my sister (Y/N) hate and it's not okay. If I see any of it you're blocked. I never want to hear the screams and sobs of little my sister because of what you've said!"

His phone blew up with tweets, most fans seeming shocked people could be so crawl.

"See, you're beautiful."

You're 19
Your P.O.V

I was touring with my brothers band as a photographer, i was always close with Michael so having the chance to do this was amazing.

After spending a little of the day walking round the current city I went back to the tour bus, I saw everyone sat around but Michael.

"He won't come out his bunk or talk to anyone, we have no idea what's wrong with him." Ashton sighed.

I put my camera and little bits I bought down before walking to Michaels bunk, was that sniffles I could hear? Why would he be crying?

"Michael?" I said softly, pulling the curtain back. He was staring at his phone and had tears down his cheeks. "What's wrong?" I climbed into his bunk as he moved along a little, pulling across the curtain.

"Look." He said handing me his phone. I looked through his current screen and there was hundreds of comments, mostly nasty ones directed at Michael.

"Michael." I said sympathetically. "Please avoid all this? It's not true at all. Take the one about the band and how you apparently aren't good enough to be in it. Michael you're amazingly talented, they wouldn't be here without you."

He shrugged in response. I didn't know what to say, what was there? The curtain was pulled back revelling three faces.

"You should of told us Mike, we're here for you. We get hate too." Calum said.

"See? Promise you'll talk to us next time?" I said.

"Okay, promise."

You're 17
Calum's P.O.V

"Are they actually related?" I heard a group of girls say laughing at a small meet and greet. "I guess (Y/N)'s the ugly one, one sibling always turns out best. That's Calum."

How can people be so rude? They were suppose to be fans. I knew it was hurting my sister, she looked so upset. I wondered if it happened before.

At the next break, I went over to where my sister was and asked her about it.

"Why would it matter Calum?" She sighed. "It's all fine, forget about it."

"No, why should I? My fans are bullying my sister, I won't forget." I said. "What else do they say?"

"I should kill myself, I'm ugly, nobody likes me. I don't know, they say a lot."

"I'll try and make them stop, I wish you'd of told me."

You're 22 (you're older!)
Your P.O.V

Small, barely audible sobs could be heard from my younger brothers, Luke's room. It broke my heart to hear him so upset, especially when I couldn't do anything to make it better.

I walked quietly into his room, he was curled on his bed staring at his phone. Just by that I knew exactly what it was, people being horrible online.

"Oh Luke." I frowned, walking over and sitting on his bed. "Want to talk about it?"

"No." He sniffed, wiping his eyes.

"That's fine, we can talk when you're ready. How about we watch a film, yeah? No phones?" I suggested, he nodded hesitantly handing me his phone. I caught sight of the screen and some of the things were dreadful.

I put the dvd in the player, laid back on his bed and spent the rest of the evening watching movies and ordering a pizza in.


I hope you enjoyed this. Sorry I was a little behind on posting again. At the moment I have a bunch of stuff half finished, so it should be posted soon.

If you have any requests feel free to comment or private message me.

QOTD: what's your favourite preference/imagine I've written from this book?
AOTD: I really liked writing & how the Cancer, Hey Angel & Missing you turned out

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