Hey Angel | Ashton

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"Hey Angel, do you know the reasons why, we look up to the sky?"

This is how most nights were spent for Ashton, he would be laid looking at the sky, feeling a little hole in his heart.

One night, his little girl came skipping outside, laying next to him. "You do this every night daddy"

"Do you know why?" He asked the small, happy girl. She shook her head, a little confused.


Leaving for tour, Ashton said goodbye to his little sister. She was crushed he was going for such a long time, she wasn't sure if she could do it.  He held her close, saying goodbye before getting on the plane.

One night, he was on the phone listening to his little sister, (Y/N) crying. He knew how hard things were getting for her, he wanted to be there more than anything in the world.

"Look at your window, what do you see?" Ashton asked.

"I see the moon, the stars. Ash, why are you asking me this?"

"Because, no matter where I am or where you are, we can look up to the moon and the stars and know at that time it's just us, me, you, the moon and stars no matter where life takes us." Ashton said.

"You're so soppy" She laughed, wiping her tears. "Thanks Ash, I love you"

"I love you too" he smiled into the phone.

End of Flashback

"When I toured the world, and Aunt (Y/N) missed me, she'd phone me. I'd tell her to look up at the moon, the stars and know that time it was just us, the stars and moon. It connected us together, wherever we both were in the world." Ashton felt himself tensing up, breaking inside.


Of course Ashton knew his sister was struggling more and more, he was being there all he could, doing his best.

One day, something didn't feel right at all, Ashton didn't know what but something wasn't right. That night when he got a phone call, he knew it was to do with (Y/N).

"Ash?" His mum said down the phone.

"Is everything okay Mum?" He asked, his voice shaking.

"N-no it's not. It's (Y/N).. We f-found her but it was too late." She cried down the line.

"No, no!" Ashton cried. "I'm coming home"

Ashton arrived home, he ran straight into his mums arms just like he did as a child when he was upset. He sobbed into her shoulder.

There was a letter for Ashton, neatly written in an envelope.

"Hey Ashton, it's me.

I guess you'll be at home now reading this, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry, I just couldn't handle it all anymore. Please don't blame yourself, you kept me going for so long.

I love you Ashton, I know you're going to become even bigger as a band than you are now and I'll be watching, I'll be there.

Just like you said to me on the phone for when I missed you, to look at the moon and the stars, I'll always be looking at them, thinking of you wherever I may be.

I'm sorry. I love you to the moon and back.


End of Flashback.

"Aunty (Y/N) struggled a lot, I'll tell you more when your older. She died, she wrote me a letter telling me to look at them when I missed her. I miss her everyday" Ashton said wiping his eyes. "That's why I look up to the sky"


What do y'all think? I was going to make it a 2/4 but Ashton's was pretty long, so I kept it just as him. Should I do more to hey angel or?..

I made myself cry with this lmao

QOTD: Who are your favourite bands?
ATOD: I like 5sos, 1D, hey Violet, all time low, fall out boy, the 1975 and some of bmth😂

I had college today and the fire alarm went off and we all had to clear the building and go outside, and my college is pretty big and I was lost in a swarm of tall people, I've never ever felt so small😂 I'm 5ft at 17 smh

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