He Scares You | Cake | Part Two

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A few of you asked for a part two to be posted so here it is! Sorry for a double update. Enjoy xx


After I woke a little more realisation hit me of what I did - the fear in my little sisters eyes broke my heart into millions of pieces. I should of known better, I know exactly how much shouting scares her and anger - I never wanted to be the one who done that.

As I stood up, I noticed my feet had landed on something, a small piece of paper crumpled slightly. I opened it, to see a picture she had drawn. It had writing next to it, which the teacher had wrote.

"Me and the best big brother ever" with scruffy, writing beneath which must of been her attempt at writing. I felt awful.

I headed up the stairs to (Y/N)'s room, as I got closer to the door I could hear small cries and sniffles, I felt even more awful about what I did. I can be the biggest idiot.

"(Y/N)?" I said quietly, pushing open her bedroom door. I didn't hear a reply, all I heard was a few sniffles. It was dark in her room, but I could see where she was. I could see her small figure huddled up on her bed.

I walked over and sat down next to her, pulling her onto my knee. She tried to escape my grasp but I held her close.

"Baby, stop. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout. I'm just really tired and you woke me up, please forgive me.." I said wiping a few tears off her cheeks. "I saw your drawing, I love it. I'm gonna keep it forever"

"You're not mad?" She asked.

"No, not at all. Forgiven?"

"Forgiven!" She grinned.


I told Cal what happened - he didn't say much. He held me close, kissing the top of my head now and again reminding me how I'm safe with him.

As it got later I began to get sleepier, and soon fell asleep in Calum's arms, holding onto him tight enough to be reassured he was there.

Lukes POV

I woke up in the morning - realisation hitting me of the night before.

The look of terror and fear on my littles sisters face, how fast she ran to get away from me, how on earth could I be so stupid?

I had to make things right with her, I couldn't just leave it. I don't want to lose my sister for my stupid drunken antics. I knew where she'd be, Calum's.

I ran to Calum's house, knocking on the door non stop till the door was opened - right in front of me stood a very angry looking Calum.

Your POV

I woke up a little confused at my surroundings before realising where I am and why. Cal was missing, I haven't a clue where he could be.

That's when I heard muffled shouting coming from the living room. I crept down and waited outside the door, listening in.

"Luke don't give me the bullshit excuse you were drunk! She's your bloody sister, aren't you meant to protect her? Nah instead you scared her half to death!" Calum yelled.

"I know and I'm sorry.." Luke mumbled, his voice cracking a little.

"Sorry? I think you're talking to the wrong person. If you're sorry, why do it? Even in the first place? You know when we arrived she was shaking and sobbing, she was frozen from where she had no jumper or nothing, I had to deal with all of that. Settle her down, watch her cry herself to sleep so don't.." Calum said, as his voice cracked a little.

I decided enough was enough, I walked into the lounge, the door creaking as I pushed it open more, which caught both of the boys attention. Calum turned around to me and smiled, pulling me closer for a quick kiss.

I sat down on the sofa next to Calum resting my head on his shoulder - what am I suppose to say? Or do?

"Look (Y/N).. I'm really sorry..I don't even know what came over me, I can't believe how upset and scared I made you, it kills knowing I did that to you. It won't happen again I promise, please forgive me?" He said teary eyed.

I nodded and pulled like into a hug where he held me close and tightly, repeating how sorry he was in my ear.

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